Thursday, May 25, 2017

Today's Prayer, Thursday, May 25, 2017

Father God, we pray this day lifting our hearts up unto thee seeking thy kingdom and righteousness in all our ways.  Father, let it be thy Spirit and word that we adhere too and abide in without ceasing this day and always.  Father, may we bless others in everything we do and say.  Help us to understand thy thoughts and ways as we read thy Holy Scripture within thy word.  Father, forgive us when we fall short of thy glory and help us to continue to walk upright within thy presence.  Help us to forgive others unconditional as you have forgiving us.  Father, may we too not be respecters of persons, but rather love everyone everywhere unconditionally knowing that thy has the power to change the heart, soul, and mind of all people and that vengeance belongs unto thee.  Father, send healing unto those seeking healing, deliverance unto those seeking deliverance, and condemnation upon those who rise up against thy children which have surrender unto thee.  Father, may we fail not to be that which we profess and proclaim to be as one of thy children.  May all persons thy bring before us witness thy unconditional love, grace, and mercy of thy Son, Jesus within us, and may thy Spirit be the one that they see and hear in all our ways.  Amen.

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