Friday, May 5, 2017

Today's Prayer, Friday, May 5, 2017

Father, let us pray lifting up our hearts unto thee in hope that you take them and cleanse them purifying them once again making them pure before thee and one another.  Please forgive us for all our sins and who we may presently be in this perverse evil world.   Send thy love, grace, and mercy upon us in hope that we all continue to surrender unto thy perfect will, wisdom, and ways as directed by thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, please put the passion and fire back into our hearts that was once there in all that have truly repented and accepted the salvation of thy Son, Jesus Christ.  Let people start hearing and abiding in the truth of thy righteousness while keeping thy commandments.  Father, we need more ambassadors unto the gospel of Jesus.  Please send help where help is needed and continue to give us the boldness, strength, and power to continually share that which you’ve freely given us unto all that you bring before us this day and always.  May we fail not Father to continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore, and may the same love, mercy, and grace abide in us that thy Son, Jesus so much wants us to have.  May we surrender to thy Spirit in all our ways as we journey throughout this nation and world to all four corners of the earth sharing the gospel of thy Son, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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