Monday, May 8, 2017

Today's Prayer, Monday, May 8, 2017

Lord God, let us pray lifting up our voices and hearts unto thee seeking thy perfect way, will, and purpose for our lives.  Father, continue to forgive us and help us forgive others.  Father, help us to be a perfect witness and testimony unto others in hope that all come to accept the salvation of thy Son, Jesus Christ.  Father, may we start walking in thy perfect will, wisdom, and ways through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost whom should be with each and every one of us whom proclaim the sanctification unto thy righteousness through thy Son, and Spirit.  Father, help us to realize that thy power, might, and ability to rebuke all sickness, sorrow, and pain that the enemy may send against us is already within us if we truly have thy Spirit living inside of us.  Father, may we keep ourselves humble before thee and one another always.  Not boasting about who we are or what we think we know, but rather sharing thy word and the gospel of thy Son in accordance to your perfect will through thy Spirit.  Father, we love you, we praise you, we worship you, and we give all that thy has given unto us back to thee to do with whatever thy will may be.  To you Father, we give all thanks, honor, glory, and praise this day and forever, and may thy Spirit always be that which we follow and trust without any confusion or doubt.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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