Saturday, May 20, 2017

Today's Prayer, Saturday, May 20, 2017

Lord God, we pray interceding for all those who are lose and hurt throughout the world.  Please Father, continue to send men and women filled  with thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost and thy word among all people everywhere in hope that they effectively share and lead them to the salvation of thy Son, Jesus and the baptism of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we all come to acknowledge and accept there is only one way to truly fellowship and worship with thee and it is through thy Spirit alone.  Father, let people start seeing that which they need to see and hearing that which they need to hear in hope that we all one day shall enter into thy kingdom before thy Son, Jesus being found worthy of all thy promises.  Father, may we continue to humble ourselves before thee and one another keeping thy commandments and our conversations holy before thee.  Let us not talk condemnation into assistance among our brothers and sisters, but rather thy mercy, love, grace, and power of thy kingdom and righteousness.  Father, help us to continue to bless others no matter what our present conditions or circumstances may knowing that our rewards will be giving unto us in thy time, not always ours.  To you Father may we continue to give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all our thoughts and ways this day and forevermore.  May thy Spirit continue to be our guide, and the love of thy Son, Jesus our hope everlasting.  Amen.

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