Thursday, May 11, 2017

Today's Prayer, Thursday, May 11, 2017

Lord God, we pray unto thee this day lifting up our hearts asking that thy Spirit be that which fills us with all the riches of thy kingdom and righteousness.  Father, help the people of this nation as well as all nations to come to agree and understand that you are King of kings, Lord of lords, the Alpha and Omega (the beginning and end).  Help us to see and hear all that is righteous before thee in hope that we allow thy Spirit to become dominant within our lives.  Father, may we continue to humble ourselves before thee and one another in all our ways.  Knowing and understanding that everyone sometimes has a bad day and rather condemn them and persecute them for it, give us the love, grace, and mercy of Christ, thy Son to speak a word or words of thy wisdom and will that might lift those persons up in hope to deliver them from that which is keeping them bound, sin.  Father, we pray for the children of this nation and world that you will continue to raise up saints before them that truly have thy compassion within their heart, soul, and mind to give and love unconditionally no matter whom these children are or what they’ve been exposed to or might have done.  Father, strengthen these physical bodies of ours as we stand boldly in our faith that all things are possible through thee, thy Son, and Spirit.  Father, may we fail not to continue to give you all thanks, honor, and praise in all our ways this day and forevermore, and may thy Spirit continue to minister unto us thy wisdom, ways, will, and righteousness every minute of every day for as long as thy shall allow us to live and walk among this earth.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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