Monday, May 15, 2017

Today's Prayer, Monday, May 15, 2017

Lord God, we pray this day giving all thanks, honor, and praise unto thee.  Let us lift up holy hands unto thee as we allow thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost to continuously minister to our hearts filling them with all that is righteous before thee.  Father, thank you for your word, thy Holy Scriptures and all the revelations, mysteries, and secrets within that is revealed to all whom walk upright unto thee in the will and wisdom of thy Spirit.  Father, please continue to forgive all who continue to fall short of thy glory.  Please continue to send thy children before them in hope that they too might repent and accept thy forgiveness through the salvation and blood of thy Son, Jesus Christ.  Father, may we recognize and agree that not one of us here on earth know thy perfect will, ways, and wisdom, but may we continue to seek thy kingdom and righteousness every minute of our lives in hope that we continue to help in the building of that New Jerusalem that Saint John spoke of within the book of Revelation.  Father, send help where help is truly needed and conviction where it is needed as well.  To you Father may we always give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise seeking thy perfect will and wisdom through thy Spirit and trying to live our lives in accordance with the gospel of thy Son, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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