Friday, May 26, 2017

Today's Prayer, Friday, May 26, 2017

Father God, let us pray this day seeking thy perfect wisdom, will, and ways through thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, help us to understand that even though thy salvation through thy Son, Jesus is a free gift from thee, it doesn’t free us allowing us to continue to live in sin and the ways of the flesh thinking that we will still receive thy reward of eternal life in thy heavenly kingdom which is still to come, the New Jerusalem.  Father, please put an end to those who preach and teach once saved always saved.  This belief is the number one contributing factor upholding Satan’s plan in hope that even the elect will continue to abide and adhere to the ways, desires, and lust of the flesh hoping that during their day of judgement they are given unto him due to their own ignorance and continued sinful ways.  Father, may we all acknowledge, this is the leaven that thy Son, Jesus spoke and taught of within thy Holy Scriptures stating beware of the teachings of false doctrine and those prophets teaching those things.  Help us to acknowledge and understand that thy salvation is like a man given a job based merely upon seeking it and receiving it, but Jesus himself states over and over that it’s not the hears of thy word that will enter into thy heavenly gates, but the doers of thy word and will.  Please continue to pour out your love, grace, mercy, and Spirit upon all people everywhere in hope that the true seed of thy righteousness is planted deeply and firmly in those who come to accept all thy word and not just the parts that make them feel good about who they are in this world being of this world.  May we continue to give you, Father all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore, and may thy Spirit and love, grace, and mercy of thy Son, Jesus be that which continues to deliver us from those things which bound those who continuously fall short of thy glory.  Forgive us for our continuous ignorant ways and please do whatever it takes to bring us back unto thy presence as people, nation, and world.  Amen.

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