Sunday, July 31, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 31, 2016

Lord God, today we pray that you continue to anoint thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, within us giving us all the power, authority, wisdom, and whatsoever else we may need to do thy will rather than that of our own.  Father, we thank you for all things past, present, and future knowing that you are in control and we should have no worries if you truly live and walk by thy Spirit.  Father, send help upon the truly helpless, healing upon those needing healing, and mercy upon those who need mercy.  Father, help us to be a blessing unto each other this day and always.  Father, may we continue to seek your righteousness in all things.  Father, hear the prayers of all thy saints, and send Godly people to minister and witness unto the loss of this world.  Father, we accept thy conviction and discipline when needed to get us back on track.  Father, may we continue to give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise unto you always and forever.  In Jesus’ name, amen.

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit:


FIRST NAME: Belinda     LAST NAME: Ramirez
CITY: Spring City,  STATE: Tennessee

PRAYER REQUEST: Belinda has asked that we bind with her asking God to send healing upon her so that she can return home.  Please join us in lifting up our sister in Christ asking God to deliver her and grant her that which she is seeking.  May God be given all the thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  Amen.

FIRST NAME: Rebecca     LAST NAME: Stephens
CITY: Panama city,  STATE: Florida

PRAYER REQUEST: My husband had a seizure yesterday. 1st one ever! He is not a man that seeks doctors for any ailments he might have. Plz remember him in your prayers for items unmentioned as well. Thank you.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 30, 2016

Lord God, let us humble ourselves before you this day and lean not unto our own wisdom and understanding, but rather seek yours through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, give us the patience, endurance, and strength we need to live in this perverse world surrounded by evil and wickedness.  Father, send thy Spirit to help us to see things the way you want us to see them and do things the way you want us to do them.  Father, we pray for the sick spiritually, mentally, and physically that you might send healing upon their bodies to deliver them.  Father, continue to us as servants unto thy will anointed by thy Spirit.  Please send help unto all who have true need.  Father, help us through thy Spirit be a witness and blessing unto each other.  Father, hear our prayers and purify our hearts, souls, and minds replacing all thoughts of the flesh with those of righteousness through thy Spirit.  Father, in closing we ask that you hear the prayer request of listed below, and that you meet the needs requested in accordance to thy will and promises.  Father, we thank you and wish to give you all glory, honor, and praise forevermore.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit:


FIRST NAME: Belinda     LAST NAME: Ramirez
CITY: Spring City,  STATE: Tennessee

PRAYER REQUEST: Belinda has asked that we bind with her asking God to send healing upon her so that she can return home.  Please join us in lifting up our sister in Christ asking God to deliver her and grant her that which she is seeking.  May God be given all the thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  Amen.

FIRST NAME: Rebecca     LAST NAME: Stephens
CITY: Panama city,  STATE: Florida

PRAYER REQUEST: My husband had a seizure yesterday. 1st one ever! He is not a man that seeks doctors for any ailments he might have. Plz remember him in your prayers for items unmentioned as well. Thank you.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 29, 2016

Lord God, hear our prayers this day and always.  Forgive us of our sins and trespasses.  Father, please continue to have mercy and send grace upon all people of all nations.  Father, let us see things through the eyes of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Help us to seek and understand your wisdom and perfection rather than our own.  Father, use us as servants unto thy self, Lord God, so that we might be a better witness unto others.  Father, may we keep our conversations and actions holy unto your perfect will in all things we do surrendering ourselves unto the will and obedience of the Holy Ghost.  Father, please continue to send the gospel of thy son, Jesus, unto all whom are still lost and are allowing the wickedness of this perverse world to continue to deceive and dominate who they are stealing their happiness and joy.  Father, we thank you for all things and wish to continue to give you all the glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit:


FIRST NAME: Rebecca     LAST NAME: Stephens
CITY: Panama city,  STATE: Florida

PRAYER REQUEST: My husband had a seizure yesterday. 1st one ever! He is not a man that seeks doctors for any ailments he might have. Plz remember him in your prayers for items unmentioned as well. Thank you.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 28, 2016

Father God, give us this day that which we need to sustain the evil around us.  Help us to recognize and rebuke deceit, lust, and envy.  Help us to humble ourselves before you and one another in hope that we maintain the perfect righteousness of thy will through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, give us the strength, love, and endurance to handle all environments and situations which are not holy and just before you.  Father, allow our mere presence and your Spirit being with us be enough influence upon others bringing them to conviction and changing their conversations and actions.  Father, continue to help us to grow in thy Spirit and perfect will as we read from thy Holy Scriptures.  Father, continue to send help and hope upon all that are in true need of thy blessings, and bring conviction upon the hearts, souls, and minds of those whom are not.  Father, may we acknowledge you always giving thanks, glory, honor, and praise in everything we say and do this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit:


FIRST NAME: Rebecca     LAST NAME: Stephens
CITY: Panama city,  STATE: Florida

PRAYER REQUEST: My husband had a seizure yesterday. 1st one ever! He is not a man that seeks doctors for any ailments he might have. Plz remember him in your prayers for items unmentioned as well. Thank you.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 27, 2016

Father, we come before you this day thanking you for all things which are given unto us by thy love, grace, and mercy from thy own hand.  Father, please search our hearts, souls, and minds in purge them of all that is self-righteous and replace them with the righteousness of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, help us to recognize the presence of evil and rebuke it in accordance to your will and guidance through thy Spirit.  Father, hear the prayers of both the righteous and the lost sending discipline and correction where it is needed as well as thy blessings.  Father, show and teach us through thy Spirit how to be a better person this day and always.  Show and teach us how to be a blessing to one another.  Father, continue to send help to those who are in true need and have not the ability to provide or fend for themselves.  Father, please continue to accept our thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray and ask of all things.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit:


FIRST NAME: Rebecca     LAST NAME: Stephens
CITY: Panama city,  STATE: Florida

PRAYER REQUEST: My husband had a seizure yesterday. 1st one ever! He is not a man that seeks doctors for any ailments he might have. Plz remember him in your prayers for items unmentioned as well. Thank you.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 26, 2016

Lord God, today let us bring to remembrance that you see all things and there is nothing hidden from you.  Father, please forgive us when we fall short of your glory, will, and might.  Father, please hear us when we repent and call upon the salvation of thy son, Jesus.  Father, please continue to be merciful unto everyone everywhere in hope that all come to know our Lord and Savior, Jesus.  Father, pour out your Spirit upon us and help us to see this world as you see it through the eyes of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Let us recognize evil’s presence and give us the strength and endurance to rebuke it.  Father, let us understand and acknowledge that not one of us is righteous, but we hope and pray daily that we continue to grow in our personal belief, faith, trust, and walk with thy Spirit.  Father, help us to recognize your will through thy Spirit this day and always.  Father, we know that we are weak and quite often submit ourselves to the will of the flesh which could never be righteous before you.  Please help us to deny ourselves, our ways, our thoughts, and our desires replacing them with everything that is righteous before you through thy Holy Ghost.  Father, we pray that you continue to send help unto all those who are in true need.  Father, let us be a witness and blessing to one another this day and always.  Father, we thank you for all that you’ve done, doing, and continue to do and want to give you all the glory, honor, and praise this day and always.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit:


FIRST NAME: Rebecca     LAST NAME: Stephens
CITY: Panama city,  STATE: Florida

PRAYER REQUEST: My husband had a seizure yesterday. 1st one ever! He is not a man that seeks doctors for any ailments he might have. Plz remember him in your prayers for items unmentioned as well. Thank you.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 25, 2016

Father, we pray today that you continue to guide us and direct us under the anointing power and authority of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, reveal to us the evil which surrounds us and give us the boldness, courage, and strength to rebuke it in accordance to thy will.  Lord God, we need your wisdom, understanding, grace, love, and mercy instilled deep within our hearts, souls, and minds.  Father, help us to recognize deceit, lust, and envy before we give them any consideration within our own lives.  Father, help us to witness and minister to others as you would want us to do under the authority and direction of thy Spirit rather than in our own flesh.  Father, we thank you always for all things which you have done, doing, and will continue to do in not only our lives, but the lives of our children, friends, and all others whom submit themselves unto you through the salvation of thy son, Jesus.  Father, we pray that everyone everywhere will one day accept the salvation of your son, Jesus, and start living their lives under the divine anointing of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, as well.  Father, we know that it’s not by our own will or might that we could every possibly be righteous as your word commandments, but we pray that under the anointing, direction, and control of thy Spirit that all things we do and say edify you and your works within us each and every day.  Father, please forgive us for whom we sometimes are and do whatever it takes to bring us back into the remembrance and submission to your perfect will for all our lives.  Father, may we always continue to give you all the thanks, glory, honor, and praise forevermore.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit:


FIRST NAME: Rebecca     LAST NAME: Stephens
CITY: Panama city,  STATE: Florida

PRAYER REQUEST: My husband had a seizure yesterday. 1st one ever! He is not a man that seeks doctors for any ailments he might have. Plz remember him in your prayers for items unmentioned as well. Thank you.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 24, 2016

Father God, please continue to have compassion upon all people of all nations.  Please continue to send your messengers throughout the world spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ under the divine anointing of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we continue to humble ourselves before you and each other showing the same unconditional love, grace, and mercy that can only come from thy Spirit being within us.  Please Father, help those who need help not only physical or mentally, but spiritually as well to understand that all things are truly possible for those who seek your will and maintain obedience unto thy commandments and word.  Father, fill our hearts, souls, and minds with thy wisdom and understanding this day so that we might be a better witness among the loss of the world.  Father, may we continue to give you all the thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all things we do and say this day and forevermore.  In the name of Jesus we ask all things.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit:


FIRST NAME: Rebecca     LAST NAME: Stephens
CITY: Panama city,  STATE: Florida

PRAYER REQUEST: My husband had a seizure yesterday. 1st one ever! He is not a man that seeks doctors for any ailments he might have. Plz remember him in your prayers for items unmentioned as well. Thank you.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 23, 2016

Father, we pray this day asking for forgiveness of all things which are not found to be righteous before you.  Father, send thy Spirit to purge our hearts, souls, and minds from all sin and replace it with thy wisdom and understanding.  Father, as we seek your will this day, please give us whatever we lack and need to do thy service among all people.  Father, we thank you for your unconditional love, grace, and mercy which you freely give to all people of all nations in hope that all souls may be saved from your wrath and destruction that is still yet to come.  Father, fill our hearts with the same compassion, love, and charity of that Jesus spoke and taught about.  Help us to recognize and rebuke the evil wickedness that surrounds us within this world.  Father, help us to be a blessing to others this day and forevermore.  Father, may we always give remembrance unto you, your word, your wisdom, and your commandments in all that we do and say.  Father, most of all hear the prayers of those who still are in need of salvation and send saints unto them to help them make the transformation from living and walking in the flesh to living and walking under the anointing, direction, and authority of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, we ask of all these things in the name of your begotten son, Jesus, knowing and trusting that all things are possible when it comes to the creator of all things.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit:


FIRST NAME: Rebecca     LAST NAME: Stephens
CITY: Panama city,  STATE: Florida

PRAYER REQUEST: My husband had a seizure yesterday. 1st one ever! He is not a man that seeks doctors for any ailments he might have. Plz remember him in your prayers for items unmentioned as well. Thank you.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 22, 2016

Father, we pray this day asking for your wisdom and understanding of all thy ways in hope that we can start seeing the world and those around us for what and who they really are.  Please reveal those preaching and teaching deceit rather than thy perfect will under the anointing, direction, and authority of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, please continue to have compassion upon all people of all nations in hope that everyone everywhere receives the preaching of the gospel of Christ and enter into that new covenant which only Christ can give, salvation and the opportunity to obtain eternal life in your Heavenly Kingdom.  Father, as we go forth today, help us be the witnesses you want us to be under thy Holy Ghost anointing so that others might see your righteousness within us and want it as well.  Father, send help and deliverance upon those whom have a true need and are desperately seeking your will and ways through thy scripture and prayer.  Father, as this ministry takes your word and the gospel of Christ to the streets and social media, please anoint thy Spirit within us giving us everything we need to sustain the persecution and the ridicule which we will certainly be faced with.  Father, may we continue to give you thanks, glory, honor, and praise in everything we do and say this day and forevermore.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit:


FIRST NAME: Rebecca     LAST NAME: Stephens
CITY: Panama city,  STATE: Florida

PRAYER REQUEST: My husband had a seizure yesterday. 1st one ever! He is not a man that seeks doctors for any ailments he might have. Plz remember him in your prayers for items unmentioned as well. Thank you.

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 20, 2016

Father God, we pray today lifting up those that have asked that we bind with them and call upon you to do that which they so desperately need and desire of you for both themselves and those whom they love.  Father, we know who holds the answers to all prayers and is more than capable of doing all things that is asked of you.  Father, hear these cries and send healing upon them and their families.  Send your Spirit, the Holy Ghost, to minister, witness, and deliver them like no other.  Help them to understand your word, your ways, and your plan for their individual lives as they totally submit themselves unto the authority of thy Spirit and keep your commandments.  Let us not forget that it is you that created all things and it is you that determines when our time is up.  Father, let us fail not to bring remembrance unto you this day and always thanking you unconditionally for all things.  Father, continue to anoint us through thy Spirit with your strength, endurance, love, mercy, grace, and whatever else you feel we need to sustain living in this wicked perverse world.  Father, send help to the widowed, orphans, and poor who truly of a need and are not able to fend for themselves.  Father, fill our hearts, souls, and minds with the same love, and compassion as our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.   Father, send correction and discipline were it is needed in hope to bring us back into the righteousness of your presence this day and always.  Father, may we continue to worship you in all things this day and always.  In Jesus’ name we ask of all these things, and it’s by our faith we shall receive.  To you Father, we give all the glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit:


FIRST NAME: Rebecca     LAST NAME: Stephens
CITY: Panama city,  STATE: Florida

PRAYER REQUEST: My husband had a seizure yesterday. 1st one ever! He is not a man that seeks doctors for any ailments he might have. Plz remember him in your prayers for items unmentioned as well. Thank you.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 19, 2016

Father, today let us stand remembering that it is you that contains all wisdom and understanding that we so desperately need.  Please Father, pour out your mercy, love, and grace upon all people of all nations in hope that all people come to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.  Father, fill thy Spirit within us with that which is righteous before you.  Direct our paths in your own righteous ways rather than allowing us to surrender unto our own flesh.  Father, help those who seek your will for their lives and desperately need the help of others whom you have so graciously blessed.  Father, may we all be a witness for the greater good lifting all brothers and sisters up and sharing the love of Jesus with everyone everywhere.  Father, may you one day smile upon us all telling saying unto us, well done my faithful loving servant, well done.  Father until that day, please hear our prayers, meet our daily needs, and protect us from the evil of this world.  Lord God, we give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit:

Monday, July 18, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 18, 2016

Lord God, we pray giving you thanks this day raising our voices in unity so that you may hear our plead for the continuous pouring out of your unconditional love, mercy, and grace upon all people of all nations.  Father, please hearken into the voices of those mother’s that cry out for the salvation of their children.  Father, please hear the fathers asking for forgiveness of their rebellious ways and seeking your wisdom, guidance, and understanding.  Father, we thank you for the correctness you give us in all our ways in all our lives in hope that we become more like our Lord and Savior, Jesus.  Father, hear the cries of the lost and wicked when they truly repent and ask for forgiveness.   Send thy son, Jesus, to purge them of their sinful ways and send angels to start helping them to grow in that one on one relationship with you, your Son, and the Holy Ghost.  Amen.   Father, we know that the end of time comes nearer to us each and every day, and for some this may be their last day here on earth.  Father, please find them to be righteous before you if they ask on their last breath the salvation of thy son, Jesus.  Father, let us fail not to continue to grow in thy Spirit, thy word, thy grace, and thy mercy giving us the same compassionate heart and will of thy Son, Jesus.  Father, we love you and will continue to give you all the glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray and ask of all things.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit:

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 17, 2016

Lord God, we pray this day lifting up our voices to first give you thanks for all which you have done, doing, and continue to do.  Father, please continue to send your unconditional love, grace, and mercy upon all people of all nations this day and always.  Father, please give us the wisdom and understanding of thy word under the anointing of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, direct our paths this day as we step out into a rebellious world that is full of self-righteousness and wicked ways.  Lord God, fill us with thy Spirit to the fullest giving us all power, strength, endurance, and boldness we need to continue to proclaim the righteousness of that which your son, Jesus, taught and preached.  Father, let us not be tempted or deceived by those sent to destroy that which you are more than willing to give those whom truly by faith seek all things giving of thy Spirit.  Father, we pray for the lost that you might continue to use us to minister to them under the anointing of thy Spirit doing thy will.  Father, please continue to send the help and relief upon those that truly can’t fend or do for themselves.    Father, may you continue to have compassion and forgive us when we fail due to our own ignorant ways.  Please Father, remember us this day and always, and may we continue to give you all the glory, honor, and praise forevermore.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit:

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 16, 2016

Lord God, today we pray that you continue to send peace, love, mercy, and grace among all people of all nations no matter their gender or race.  Let us acknowledge that you are no respecter of any particular people, country, or nation, but rather wish to be the Father of all.  Father God, continue to reveal to us your truth, wisdom, and understand through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Please help us to understand that not one of us can be righteous before you accept by the submission to thy Spirit.  The Spirit is what we all need and that which you give to those who seek it.  Father, may we continue to seek your will through thy holy scripture and apply it to our daily lives in hope that we become stronger in Spirit suppressing the wills and desires of the flesh.  Father, when we call upon thee, hear our prayers and send that which we need to sustain and battle the principalities of darkness which surrounds us, our children, family, and friends.  Father, reveal to us our weaknesses showing us how to become closer to you and gain favor of you.  Father, chastise and discipline us out of love and mercy in hope that we surrender to the obedience of thy will rather than our own.  Father, do whatever it takes to bring us back into the one flock that Jesus spoke of having us united in body, mind, Spirit, and soul.  Father, help those that can’t help themselves, and convict those who can, but want. Father, this is our prayer and we ask in thy son’s name, Jesus, that all shall be done.  To you, Father God, we give all glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit: 

Friday, July 15, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 15, 2016

Father, we humble ourselves today before you and all your majesty giving you thanks for all that you’ve done, doing, and will continue to do.  Father, let us not forget who has the power to give life and take it away.  Let us understand that it’s you that will truly deliver us, heal us, and save us when we call upon that name, Jesus, repenting of who we are and start living the new life with him, through him, and by him under the anointing, power, and authority of the Holy Ghost.  Father, please be merciful unto the ignorant of this world who choose to live in it and of it.  Father, we know that the end is near and that soon, you will be sending your Son to bring the truly righteous before you home unto that new Heavenly Kingdom, the New Jerusalem that John referred to in the book of Revelation.  Father, may we stand united, binding in thy Spirit and in one accord when that day shall come.  No more denominational differences.  No more belief of we are right and everyone else is wrong.  Lord God, humble us this day with thy presence and reveal to us that hatred comes in many forms and fashions even among those who proclaim salvation and righteousness.  Let us take a good look at ourselves and Father, reveal to us our own strengths and weaknesses.  Let us not hate or condemn those who presently fail to accept you and all your majesty in accordance with your perfect word, but rather hope that we may sow a seed into fertile soil that you can continue to water through thy Spirit and help it grow.  Father, we love you and will continue to give you all the honor, glory, and praise this day and forevermore.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit:

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 14, 2016

Father God, may we humble ourselves before you this day giving you all thanks, praise, honor, and glory.  Today Father, like every day, help us to understand your ways and wisdom applying them to our own lives and allowing the Holy Ghost to radiant outwardly to everyone we meet.  Father, may we be a witness and a walking testimony to those who desire to know more about you and all your majesty.  Help us through thy Spirit to be bold in faith, belief, and trust while at the same time humbling ourselves before others so that they might see Christ within us through thy Spirit.  Father, give us your passion, mercy, grace, and love so that we might be able to continue to share the same with the lost who continue to live within this world being of this world.  Father, when we lift up our voices unto you please have compassion, hear our prayers, and give us that which we need to sustain the wickedness that surrounds us.  Father, we know that we can do all things if we truly surrender unto thy Spirit and allow him that should be within us to take control of our thoughts, ways, and actions.  Please Father, hear this prayer and be merciful unto us all this day and always.  May we continue to give you all glory, honor, and praise forevermore.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit:

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 13, 2016

Father God, let us pray that all people of all nations start adhering to the word of thy gospel that you’re Son, Jesus, taught and preached.  Let us pray that we grow strong in your Spirit rather than submitting ourselves as servants unto those spirits, demonic spirits, which steals our peace, joy, and understanding of thy perfect will.  Father, please reveal the face of deceit, destruction, and hatred before all people of all nations so that we come to know that the enemy is not each other, but rather the demonic powers to be that is dominating the minds of all whom fail to acknowledge and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  Father God, let us acknowledge that your plan is not to save this world and those whom are within it, but to deliver the souls of all who call upon the name of Jesus, repenting of their sins, asking forgiveness, accepting salvation, and receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost, the comforter that Christ profess would be given to all whom truly die the old life and seek the new life under the anointing, power, and direction of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, forgive us for being ignorant to thy ways and desires due to our own submission to believe and have more faith in those whom profess to be righteous before you yet are leading the flock astray due to the flock failing to know, hear, and listen to the voice of the real master, Jesus.  Father, we thank you for all that you’ve done, doing, and are going to continue to do this day and forevermore, and hope that I continue to grow in thy perfect will through thy Spirit and thy word, the Bible.  God reveal to all people everywhere, that your word is not meant to be taking lightly and read like reading some fictional story, but rather to be read under the anointing, power, and direction of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost allowing your Spirit to reveal to us that which we need daily to sustain our presence within your own righteousness this day and forever.  Father, we give you all the glory, honor, and praise this day and forever.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit:

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 12, 2016

Father God, Let us thank you for your understanding that in our flesh we sometimes find it extremely difficult to pray, because of who we once were.  May we always acknowledge that Satan makes every attempt to take us back to the place where your grace, love, and mercy delivered us from once we repented of our sins, asked for forgiveness, and received the salvation of your Son, Jesus.  Father, please continue to give us the strength, endurance, wisdom, and understanding under the anointing of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, help us to understanding that it’s not by our might, but by the might of thy Spirit that gives us the ability to become separate from the darkness and evil that surrounds us within this world.  Father, I pray that all people of all nations learn to humble ourselves before you, seeking your word and your will for all our lives.  Please continue to have compassion and patience towards the ignorance of our ways and show us mercy in your methods of correction and discipline.  Father, may we all acknowledge that our relationship with you should be the most important relationship we could ever have with anyone anywhere.  Help brings us as a people at large back into thy presence being grateful and obedient to thy ways.  Lord God, may we continue to give you all the thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all things this day and forever.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit: 

Monday, July 11, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 11, 2016

Father, please forgive us for that which we sometimes allow ourselves to be, and send thy Spirit to help us to become whom you want and desire us to be.  Forgive us for failing to adhere to your perfect word.  Forgive us for our lustful ways and desires.  Forgive us for the hatred that we allow to rise up within us against each other.  Father, help us to continue to recognize that it is only be surrendering to your perfect will, accepting Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, and receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost that we should have the least bit of hope of achieving the promise of eternal life in your Heavenly Kingdom.  Father, please continue to have mercy upon all people of all nations pouring out your unconditional love and grace.  Father, please continue to mold us as the clay that we should be so that we might become children worthy of all that you are willing to give unto us in exchange for our willingness to do that which your word instructs us to do and being obedient to the truth which is Christ, thy begotten Son.  Father, may we continue to give you all the glory, honor, and praise in all things we do and say this day and forevermore.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit:

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 10, 2016

Father God, I pray unto thee asking that you continue to guide us and direct us in all we do and say through thy Spirit, oh God.  Please continue to have compassion on all people of all nations sending your love, grace, and mercy upon us.  Please help us through thy Spirit to rise up in boldness sharing the gospel that your son, Jesus Christ spoke and taught.  Lord God, as we seek your will, wisdom, and understanding through thy holy word, please reveal to us that which we need to maintain righteousness within your will and adhering to your perfect ways and desire.  Father, heal the sick and broken, Lord God.  Continue to send the faithful and fearless to minister to the lost that are hoping to become righteous before you through the salvation of the blood of thy son, Jesus.  Father, let us continue to humble ourselves before you, and continue to fill us with your love, compassion, and presence through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  May we continue to give you all the glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit:

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 9, 2016

Father God, your word teaches us that you know our needs and for all that trust, believe, and have the faith that you’re Son, Jesus, spoke and taught of, we should have no worries in our lives.  Father, I pray that you unleash the gates of your Heavenly Kingdom and that thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost be risen up in all that proclaim to be sanctified in Christ through the salvation he gives to all that repent , ask, and receive it.  Father, let people see prophesy that is being fulfilled by the minute, hour, day, month, and year.  Father, remove the blinders from the eyes of all men and women allowing them to really see their weaknesses and strengths pertain to each of their individual salvation.  Father, Jesus taught that the time for repentance was and still is at hand, I pray that we stop worrying about what others are doing or failing to do, and start focusing on our individual relationships with you, you’re Son, and the Holy Ghost.  Father, let us bring to remembrance that it was our sins and iniquities that led to the crucifixion of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, and it is our sins and iniquities that is continuously condemning many still to an eternity of damnation, because of our own choices of which we choose to believe, adhere to, apply to our lives, and follow.  May the wolves in the sheep clothing be revealed, and may people start focusing on your true word, seeking your perfect will for their individual lives.  Please remove the political, personal, and all other agendas of the flesh from those whom profess to be man of God and preaching thy word and message under the anointing of thy Spirit.  Father, let us welcome your chastising and discipline into our lives, the lives of our children, and the people of all nations throughout the world in hope that all come to accept salvation and start living righteously in accordance to your perfect will rather than ours.  Father, may we continue to give you all the glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  Amen.

Prayer Needs and Request of Others:

For all the unspoken pray needs of all who follow and support this ministry, I pray that God’s will be done continuously in all things.  To Him give all the glory, honor, and praise forever.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs prayer, please let us bind with you and visit

Friday, July 8, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 8, 2016

Father God, please continue to send your love, mercy, and grace upon us all in hope that we may resist the temptation of the evil which surrounds us within this condemned corrupt world.  Please continue to send forth ministers to all people of all nations sharing your perfect love and the salvation that you so graciously give through your Son, Jesus.  Father, we pray that you continue to make away for the widowed and orphans of the world and that you put godly people in front of them to provide motivation and support of the gospel of Christ.  Father, forgive us for who we sometimes allow ourselves to be, and do whatever it takes to bring us back into your presence abiding in your perfect word while keeping your commandments.  Father, let us not forget that you are still in control of all things, and that your will is that which will be done in all the earth and heaven this day and forever no matter what hardship or heartaches it may cause those whom are rebellious unto thy ways and might.  God, please accept all glory, honor, and praise that we give unto you this day and forevermore.  Amen.

Prayer Needs and Request of Others:

For all the unspoken pray needs of all who follow and support this ministry, I pray that God’s will be done continuously in all things.  To Him give all the glory, honor, and praise forever.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs prayer, please let us bind with you and visit

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 7, 2016

Merciful Father, today we pray that you continue to have compassion upon all people of all nations.  We pray that through your unconditional love, grace, and mercy that we may all abide in thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost and learn to adhere to your perfect will in everything we do and say this day and always.  Father, please use us who are willing to become sacrifices for the gospel of your Son, Jesus Christ.  Give us the strength, courage, endurance, wisdom, and understanding we all need to do that which is of your will rather than our own.  Father, we ask that you be merciful unto those whom by choice still choose to be of this world and allow themselves to be deceived by those spirits which are not of you.  God, in your anger and your wrath, humble them Lord that they may all become righteous before you while they still yet draw another breath.  For the sick and broken Father, we ask that you put those that have your compassion within them before these which are many so that they might be a blessing and testimony into them and help them to feel thy love through that compassion.  Father, heal truly sick, lame, and broken that throw themselves before you seeking your love, grace, and mercy.  Fill them with thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, when they diligently seek and ask for it.  Lord God, we know that you are the one in control.  Always has been and always will be, and may we continue to surrender unto your perfect will in all our ways.  We praise you Lord God, and may we continue to give you all the praise, glory, and honor this day and forevermore for you are worthy of all praise.  Amen.

Prayer Needs and Request of Others:

For all the unspoken pray needs of all who follow and support this ministry, I pray that God’s will be done continuously in all things.  To Him give all the glory, honor, and praise forever.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs prayer, please let us bind with you and visit

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 6, 2016

Father God, today once again we humble ourselves before you in acknowledgement and recognition that you are still in control this day as well as all the others that has come before.  Father, please continue to have mercy and send grace upon all people of all nations.  Continue to help change the direction and hearts of all political and spiritual leaders not only in this nation, but all nations.  Father, we welcome the discipline of your hand which we as a people and a nation sometimes need in order to bring us back into a place of righteousness which only comes from the full submission unto thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, continue to raise up those who are more than willing to serve others whom are poor and afflicted, but not of their own chose.  Father, heal those that humble themselves seeking spiritual, physical, and mental healing.  Lord God, we acknowledge that there is no other that continuously shows unconditional love, mercy, and compassion unto a world full of wickedness and evil, accept you.  And Father, we know that all things are possible to those who are righteous in Christ asking you to help during those times which we don’t have the answers or the means.  To you Father, we continue to give all the glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  Amen.

Prayer Needs and Request of Others:

For all the unspoken pray needs of all who follow and support this ministry, I pray that God’s will be done continuously in all things.  To Him give all the glory, honor, and praise forever.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs prayer, please let us bind with you and visit

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 5, 2016

Gracious Father, I want to thank you this day once again for your unconditional love, compassion, and mercy.  I know that it’s only by these that you continue to give us time to search and judge ourselves to the standard of your Holy Word and become obedient unto your commands and your will.  Father, we’re not perfect, we fall short of your glory continuously.  I pray that you continue to give your strength, endurance, wisdom, and understanding to all whom accept the baptism of the Holy Ghost and diligently seek your perfect will in all things.  Father, I pray that you have mercy on the heathens of this world, but at the same time, I pray that you continue to do that which is necessary to bring all people of all nations back into your presence through their own submission to your will and become obedient to thy word and Spirit.  May you continue to pour out your blessings upon all whom have been obedient, keeping the commands of Christ, and sharing the gospel under the anointing of thy Spirit with every one everywhere no matter race, gender, nationality, and so on…  Father, heal this nation, heal this land, and heal the minds of all people everywhere, and please, be merciful in doing so.  And last Father, you know the needs that this ministry has, I ask and trust that those needs will be met and we will be able to continue to reach out ministering to the lost, helping the truly poor, and be a blessing to the orphans and widows of this world.  Father, we can’t do it without your support and the support of those who understand that true blessings come from blessing others.  To you Father, I continue to give all glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  Amen.

Prayer Needs and Request of Others:

If you or someone you know needs prayer, please let us bind with you and visit

Monday, July 4, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 4, 2016

Father, I pray this Independence Day that all people of all nations humble themselves before you and acknowledge that true independence only comes by the denial of the flesh and the acceptance of thy Spirit which is giving of you by you for those that truly repent, accept the salvation of your Son, Jesus, and receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost.  Amen.  I pray that we all become obedient to your will and your word under the divine anointing of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  I pray that our lives become a sacrifice unto others in hope that all those whom are lost within this world might come to know Jesus and accept the salvation that he offers freely to all willing to repent, accept it, and start living a new life for the Glory which is still yet to come.  Please Father; heal the sick in heart, spirit, mind, and soul.  Please heal the obedient and faithful that request and need physical or emotional healing.  Father, please continue to help those that are truly poor and cannot possibly fend for themselves, but are totally dependent on those whom you have blessed and are faithful to your word.  Father, may we trust you in all things, both good and bad, and know you will see the faithful through it all.  To you we left holy hands and voices in continuous hope and praise.  Please accept this prayer, Oh Lord, have mercy and spare the faithful of the worst faith that is still yet to come.  Father, may we continue to give you all the glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  Amen.

Prayer Needs and Request of Others:

For all the unspoken pray needs of all who following and support this ministry, I pray that God’s will be done continuously in all things.  To Him give all the glory, honor, and praise forever.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs prayer, please let us bind with you and visit

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 3, 2016

Father, I pray for this nation as well as all nations which have rebelled against thee.  I pray for all those who you’ve called, ordained, and anointed to preach and teach your Holy word that you continue to give us the strength, wisdom, understanding, and endurance to sustain the persecutions of this ungodly world and those that perceive to know “The Truth” which is Christ Jesus, but fail to present your ways, your words, and your wisdom unto others whom are lost in still of this world.  Father, please continue to have mercy upon us and send your grace upon all who are desperately seeking your word, wisdom, and desire for their life and the life of their love ones.  All this I ask in the precious name of your Son, Jesus Christ, and I will continue to give you all the glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  Amen.

May every one everywhere be blessed and continue to bless others in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Prayer Needs and Request of Others:

Caffie Stricklin has asked that we continue to pray for salvation within her whole family.  I pray that all brothers and sisters in Christ bind with her in agreement asking our Heavenly Father to do that which needs to be done in order that all her family receive the greatest gift of all, the salvation which comes only through repentance, acceptance, and start living a new life for Christ and the gospel under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Joyce Fischer has asked that we bind with her in prayer for her beloved Jimmy who has been suffering with and fighting depression.  Let us bind with her and rebuke this mental illness asking for God’s deliverance and healing in the name of Jesus.  Amen

To learn more about this ministry, please visit

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 2, 2016

Father God, I’m thankful for your unconditional love and compassion that you continue to have and give this day and always.  Father, I pray that your will continue to be done in all things. I pray that you continue to have mercy and send grace upon all people everywhere.  I pray that you bring conviction upon all who need convicted which doesn’t only include the lost and those still living in the world, of this world, but also to those who profess they have accepted and proclaim the salvation of Jesus Christ, yet fail to be obedient to your perfect word and instructions of thy Spirit.  I pray that you do whatever needs to be done in order to bring not only this nation, but all nations back unto your presence, obedience, and righteousness.  I pray that you continue to send disciples, apostles, prophets, preachers, and teachers who are ordained and anointed by you among all who have not known or truly experienced your majestic power, authority, glory, love, grace, mercy, wisdom, and so on that only comes through the baptism of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  .  May we all continue to give you all the glory, honor, and praise in everything we do and say this day and forevermore.  Amen.

May every one everywhere be blessed and continue to bless others in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Prayer Needs and Request of Others:

Caffie Stricklin has asked that we continue to pray for salvation within her whole family.  I pray that all brothers and sisters in Christ bind with her in agreement asking our Heavenly Father to do that which needs to be done in order that all her family receive the greatest gift of all, the salvation which comes only through repentance, acceptance, and start living a new life for Christ and the gospel under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Joyce Fischer has asked that we bind with her in prayer for her beloved Jimmy who has been suffering with and fighting depression.  Let us bind with her and rebuke this mental illness asking for God’s deliverance and healing in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

In need of prayer, submit your prayer need at

Friday, July 1, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 1, 2016

Father, we pray that you continue to send your love, grace, and mercy upon every one everywhere in continuous hope that we all humble ourselves accepting your perfect will through thy Spirit, oh God.  Father, please continue to have compassion on this nation as well as all nations over lack of knowledge and ignorance due to all the false prophets that have been raised up and deceiving even the very elect of thy children.  Please send correction and condemnation where it is needed as well as your unconditional love in hope that we all repent and bring ourselves back into that one body, one mind, and one accord that your word speaks of and teaches.   Please heal those that are weak in their Spirit and put the fire of thy Holy Ghost into the hearts, souls, and minds of all who truly believe and ask that they might receive that comforter that Christ spoke and preached about.  Father, we submit ourselves as empty vessels that desire nothing more than all that is righteous unto you that we may partake of all that you are willing to give.  May we all be found worthy and obedient to your will and desire when the end of this world comes.  To you, Father, we give all the glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  Amen.

May every one everywhere be blessed and continue to bless others in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

Prayer Needs and Request of Others:

Caffie Stricklin has asked that we continue to pray for salvation within her whole family.  I pray that all brothers and sisters in Christ bind with her in agreement asking our Heavenly Father to do that which needs to be done in order that all her family receive the greatest gift of all, the salvation which comes only through repentance, acceptance, and start living a new life for Christ and the gospel under the anointing of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Joyce Fischer has asked that we bind with her in prayer for her beloved Jimmy who has been suffering with and fighting depression.  Let us bind with her and rebuke this mental illness asking for God’s deliverance and healing in the name of Jesus.  Amen

In need of prayer, submit your prayer need at