Saturday, July 16, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 16, 2016

Lord God, today we pray that you continue to send peace, love, mercy, and grace among all people of all nations no matter their gender or race.  Let us acknowledge that you are no respecter of any particular people, country, or nation, but rather wish to be the Father of all.  Father God, continue to reveal to us your truth, wisdom, and understand through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Please help us to understand that not one of us can be righteous before you accept by the submission to thy Spirit.  The Spirit is what we all need and that which you give to those who seek it.  Father, may we continue to seek your will through thy holy scripture and apply it to our daily lives in hope that we become stronger in Spirit suppressing the wills and desires of the flesh.  Father, when we call upon thee, hear our prayers and send that which we need to sustain and battle the principalities of darkness which surrounds us, our children, family, and friends.  Father, reveal to us our weaknesses showing us how to become closer to you and gain favor of you.  Father, chastise and discipline us out of love and mercy in hope that we surrender to the obedience of thy will rather than our own.  Father, do whatever it takes to bring us back into the one flock that Jesus spoke of having us united in body, mind, Spirit, and soul.  Father, help those that can’t help themselves, and convict those who can, but want. Father, this is our prayer and we ask in thy son’s name, Jesus, that all shall be done.  To you, Father God, we give all glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  Amen.

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