Sunday, July 17, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 17, 2016

Lord God, we pray this day lifting up our voices to first give you thanks for all which you have done, doing, and continue to do.  Father, please continue to send your unconditional love, grace, and mercy upon all people of all nations this day and always.  Father, please give us the wisdom and understanding of thy word under the anointing of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, direct our paths this day as we step out into a rebellious world that is full of self-righteousness and wicked ways.  Lord God, fill us with thy Spirit to the fullest giving us all power, strength, endurance, and boldness we need to continue to proclaim the righteousness of that which your son, Jesus, taught and preached.  Father, let us not be tempted or deceived by those sent to destroy that which you are more than willing to give those whom truly by faith seek all things giving of thy Spirit.  Father, we pray for the lost that you might continue to use us to minister to them under the anointing of thy Spirit doing thy will.  Father, please continue to send the help and relief upon those that truly can’t fend or do for themselves.    Father, may you continue to have compassion and forgive us when we fail due to our own ignorant ways.  Please Father, remember us this day and always, and may we continue to give you all the glory, honor, and praise forevermore.  Amen.

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