Lord God, as
we pray today seeking thy perfect will and ways please continue to pour out
your unconditional love, grace, and mercy upon all people everywhere. Father, give us thy wisdom and understanding through
thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost.
Father, may we maintain our humbleness before you and one another
always, putting the needs of others before our own in everything we do, say,
and have. Father, help us to continue to
bless others who have need of a blessing.
Father, send hope, relief, and comfort upon those who feel like this
world is coming down upon them as the enemy attempts to steal their joy, peace,
and happiness. Father, use those of us
that profess that thy love, grace, and mercy is within us to minister and help these
people this day and always. Father, we
know that repentance is the first step to receiving the salvation of thy son,
Jesus, but help us to acknowledge and understand that it takes the faith, will,
and desire to seek thy perfect will and ways for each of our lives that brings continuous
peace, joy, and happiness unto us even during the storms and tribulations we may
be going through or about to endure.
Father, forgive us for our failures and shortcomings, and help us to
become who we should be in accordance to thy gospel and the will and
ways of thy Spirit. Father, may we
continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and
forevermore. In Jesus’ name we
pray. Amen.
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