Saturday, December 3, 2016

Today's Prayer, Saturday, December 3, 2016

Father, we pray this day asking that you continue to send thy love, grace, and mercy upon all people of all nations.  Father, help us to understand and receive all that thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost shares with us as we seek thy perfect will and ways.  Father, please have compassion on all who proclaim thy righteousness unto the salvation of thy son, Jesus, but is failing to abide and adhere to the perfect will and ways of thy Spirit.  Father, may we always bring to remembrance that you are the creator of all things and in control of all things, both good and evil.  Father, please be merciful when pouring out your wrath upon us during our moments of rebellion and disobedience.  May we acknowledge that Satan can only touch those of us professing to be sanctified through thy salvation and Spirit if you allow him too.  Father, help us to stay humble before thee and one another so that everything we may do and say becomes a witness and testimony unto thy power, glory, and might.  Father, send help and relief upon those who are unable to help or fend for themselves, and conviction upon those who are living a life of deceit and lies.  Father, help us this day to stay on the path of thy righteousness and please accept all our thanks, glory, honor, and praise unto thee this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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