Father, we
pray this day for the loss of the world in hope that they may come to repent of
who they presently are asking forgiveness of their sins and iniquity against
thee, and accepting the salvation of thy son, Jesus. Father, help us to continue to grow in thy
perfect ways and will as we seek thy wisdom and understanding within thy Holy
Scriptures under the anointing of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost. Father, please continue to pour out your
love, grace, and mercy upon all people of all nations. Help us to stay humble before thee and one
another in all our ways. Father, may we
be a blessing always unto others in hope that all we say and do edifies your
kingdom, majesty, and glory. Father, we
thank you for the compassion you give unto us in our moments of weakness as
well as your correction when we seem to stray off thy straight and narrow path
unto righteous. Father, send help unto
those who are in true need and conviction upon those who are taking advantage
of the kindness of others through deceitfulness. Father, may we continue to walk upright
before thee in all our ways this day and always. Please accept our thanks, glory, honor, and
praise unto thee this day and forevermore.
In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.