Father, we
pray this day giving thanks unto thee for all good gifts that are giving unto
us through our own faith, trust, and belief in all that is righteous before
thee. Father, let us fail not to
understand that all good gifts come from above by thy hand. Father, may we especially understand that the
gifts you give unto us should be utilized to help lead others unto thy perfect
gift, thy son Jesus and the salvation he offers. Father, may we continue to share thy love,
grace, and mercy under the anointing of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost this day and
always. Help us to continue to bless
others with a portion of that which you’ve so graciously blest us with. Father, help us to acknowledge that the best
gifts that come unto us by you that we should be sharing with others are
priceless and can’t be bought or sold.
Gifts like unconditional love, grace, mercy, loyalty, compassion, trust,
comfort, hope, obedience, respect, and on and on… There is no end to what thy love within us
should be able to do when it comes to edifying thy will, ways, and kingdom. Father, may we perfect our ability to witness
unto others through thy word and Spirit and start sharing the love of thy son
Jesus with everyone everywhere. Father,
we know all of our days can be merry, peaceful, and bright if we stand
faithfully and obedient unto thy perfect ways and will. Father, may we continue to give you all
thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.