Father, as
we seek thee this day through thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost give us that
which we need to do and say all that is righteous before you and of you. Father, lead our paths as we walk the straight
in narrow that thy Son, Jesus spoke of.
Let our lights shine in the darkest places so others may come to know
what the true peace, love, joy, and happiness of thy Spirit is and looks
like. Father, may we be a witness unto others
in everything we do and say. Help us to
continue to pour out the same love, grace, and mercy that you have freely given
unto us upon others whom you bring before us.
Father, may we be a blessing unto all people that you send before us in
need of a blessing. Help us to give
freely without question and doubt knowing that angels and thy messengers come
in all different shapes, color, and form.
Father, send healing upon those seeking thy deliverance and having been obedient
unto your law and commandments in all their ways. Father, let us forget not the death and crucifixion
of thy Son, Jesus bringing to remembrance always that if we proclaim thy
righteousness and salvation we too should be sharing thy gospel and teaching
others of all thy promises. Help us to
do that which we’ve all been called of you to do through thy word and Spirit of
truth. To you Father we give all thanks,
glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
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