Father, we
come before you this day giving thanks for all things in both heaven and earth
which you have done, doing, and continue to do for the sake of the salvation of
all who are righteous before thee.
Father, continue to give us the strength, patience, and wisdom we need
to sustain the evil and wickedness which surrounds us daily within this
perverse world. Father, we pray that
your will be done in all our lives as we humble ourselves before thee seeking
thy perfect will and ways through thy Holy Scripture, the Bible and Spirit, the
Holy Ghost. Father, may we all
acknowledge and understand that it’s not by our might or power that we will
ever obtain thy righteousness, but rather by the might and power of thy Spirit within
us. Father, may we surrender ourselves
unto thee through thy Spirit seeking all that is righteous before thee applying
that which is giving unto us to our lives, ways, conversation, circumstances,
situations, and on and on. Father, help
us to be a blessing unto others in everything we do and say so that thy kingdom
might continue to grow through the repentance and acceptance of the salvation
of thy son, Jesus by others. Father,
send help unto those who are in true need and conviction upon those who continue
to live a life of disbelief, hatred, and dishonesty. Father, may we continue to give you all
thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.
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