Lord God,
let us start today’s prayer bringing into remembrance all the people in the
world that continue to be pulled away from thy perfect will and ways through
carefully constructed methods that continue to steal thy joy, love, happiness,
and peace through veracious ways of deception.
Father, we pray that all people among all nations rise up within this
world seeking nothing but thy righteousness in accordance with thy word, will,
and ways. Father, help people to
understand and acknowledge that many that profess the sanctification and righteousness
of thy Spirit, have never really begun to walk and live within the supernatural
of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, but rather superficially believe they are
righteous before thee because someone behind a pulpit told them they were. Lord Help Them…. Father, we pray that all the wolves and sheep
clothing be disclosed and exposed for who they really are and what they are
doing to destroy all that thy son, Jesus spoke and taught. Father, we pray that you send wrath where
wrath is needed and love, grace, and mercy upon all that willing humbles
themselves before thee seeking thy ways and will through thy word and Spirit,
the Holy Ghost. Father, may we continue
to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all we do and say this day
and forevermore. In Jesus’ name we
pray. Amen.
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