Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Today's Prayer, Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Lord God, let us pray today that we continue to grow in thy perfect will, wisdom, and ways through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, let us agree and understand that sickness was brought into this world through deception and sin.  Father, all professing the salvation of thy Son, Jesus Christ and the baptism unto thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost should know, understand, and proclaim the same power and authority thy Son, Jesus received at the river Jordan that day that John baptized him.  Father, let us see, hear, receive, and proclaim all that is true within thy word and Spirit.  Father, it was thy Spirit that fell upon thy Son that day raising him up to be able to do all the things he did.  Even John the Baptist proclaimed that himself.  Father, let us pray that we start unlocking the power, authority, and might that thy has already given us to do the greater things that we’ve been called to do for the good of thy kingdom, glory, and might.  To you Father may we continue to humble ourselves before giving all thanks, honor, and praise, and may thy Spirit be the light of our lives and world this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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