Saturday, May 6, 2017

Today's Prayer, Saturday, May 6, 2017

Father, let us pray today asking that your will be done in all our lives.  Let us pray asking that your will continue to be done in all people of all nations in hope that we all become united unto one perfect body within Christ, thy Son.  Father, help us to see, hear, understand, and agree with all that is righteous of thee being from thee and given unto all who seek it through thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we stop being those people that allow the spirits of thy enemy Satan to rise up within us having us to conform to his will and perverse ways.  Father, fill us all with thy true Spirit, the Holy Ghost which gives us the same power, authority, strength, and boldness that thy Son, Jesus spoke and taught of.  Father, help those who are allowing themselves to be deceived to get into thy word and start truly seeking thy perfect will, ways, and wisdom in hope that they too can overcome him that is in the world by the power, strength, and might of thy Spirit.  Father, may we continue to humble ourselves before thee always as we humble ourselves before one another as well.  Let us start truly living our lives in accordance with all that is righteous before thee.  Father, help us to overcome the evil around us and sometimes within our place of comfort being our own homes.  Father, may we fail not to thank you in all our ways, things, and life giving you all honor, glory, and praise without ceasing, and may thy Spirit be that which we consistently seek in all things we do and say in hope that thy Son’s gospel is effectively being shared with all we meet.  Help us to remember, to live is Christ, and to die is gain for those who keep thy commandments and do thy will.  Amen.

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