Monday, May 29, 2017

Today's Prayer, Monday, May 29, 2017

Lord God, we pray seeking thy kingdom and righteousness this day for all our lives.  Father, continue to pour out thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost upon all thy children in hope that all who have received him allow him complete control within our lives.  Father, help us to be a blessing always unto one another lifting each other up with thy words, wisdom, and ways of encouragement rather than those of destruction.  Father, may we be strong in our faith, trusting you with all aspects of our lives knowing that thy can do all things for those whom maintain the faith in thy word, Spirit, and gospel of thy Son, Jesus Christ.  Father, let us fail not to recognize where all authority and power originated and still is, thy kingdom, thy glory, thy strength, and thy might.  Father, forgive us as we forgive others.  Fill us with the same unconditional love, grace, and mercy of thee, thy Spirit, and Son, Jesus.  Father, send help were help is truly needed, and conviction where conviction is needed in hope that all people of all nations might humble themselves before thee seeking thy kingdom and righteousness for themselves through their own repentance and acceptance of the salvation of thy Son, Jesus.  Father, may we continue to give all thanks, honor, worship, and praise unto thee without ceasing this day and always, and may the gospel of thy Son, Jesus be written to the tablets of our hearts through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Amen.

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