Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Today's Prayer, Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Lord God forgive us for that which we’ve become as a nation and people.  Help us to regain focus on all that is righteous before thee.  Father, we need you now like no other.  Please send thy conviction and correction upon this nation and the authority appointed over it at all levels of government bringing us back unto thy perfect will, wisdom, and ways.  Father, help people of all nations and beliefs to agree that there is only two genders within all creation, male and female.  There is no other than these two.  For anyone to agree or think otherwise it is an abomination, a sin against thee.  Father, we have defiantly step off the deep end thinking that we have the right to change that which was created by thy own hands.  Father, help the men and women that thy have chosen to preach and teach thy word, will, and wisdom to rise up in the boldness of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost and start preaching repentance and deliverance in accordance to thy perfect will, wisdom, and ways.  Let us pray for a great awaking in this nation as well as all nations in hope that we all might repent unto thee without ceasing and start seeking thy kingdom and righteousness in all our ways this day and forevermore.  Father, give us the strength, boldness, power, and word within us to continue to fight against the principalities of darkness which is rising up at a fast rate against us.  Let us not be ashamed of thy gospel nor allow ourselves to become comfortable with all the evil and perverseness that is constantly being introduced into society and the raising of our children.  Let us understanding we are not here to judge, condemn, or persecute anyone, but we cannot continue to allow the enemy, Satan to rise up among us and our children without fighting the fight for the good of thy kingdom, thy righteousness, and lost souls.  To you Father may we continue to give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore, and may thy Spirit be the strength, power, and authority that helps us to do that which we’ve been called to do.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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