Lord God,
let us pray this day and always seeking thy kingdom and righteousness through
thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost.
Father, fill our hearts, souls, and minds with all thy wisdom, will, and
ways in hope we may overcome the evil which surrounds us within this perverse world. Father, may thy Spirit continue to strengthen
us, direct us, and lead us into victory daily sharing the same unconditional
love, grace, and mercy as thy Son, Jesus.
Father, may thy light within us shine always without ceasing before all
people of all nations. May we be an
inspiration unto all people thy brings before us this day and always effectively
sharing the gospel of thy Son, Jesus under the perfect anointing and power of
thy Spirit. Lead us not into temptation
this day, but rather deliver us from the evil which consistently tries to bind us. Forgive us Father of all our sins against thee
and others, and help us to be able to forgive others as well so that we may be forgiven
by thee. Please continue to pour out thy unconditional
love, grace, and mercy upon all people everywhere no matter whom they may be or
what others may think about them in hope that they too repent and receive the salvation
of thy Son, Jesus through their own submission receiving the baptism of thy
Spirit, the Holy Ghost. Father, may we
continue to bring remembrance unto thee in all things before we say or do them
and may the love of thy Son, Jesus be that which others receive of us as well
this day and always. Let us continue to
give you, Father all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all things this day
and forevermore. Amen.