Monday, May 1, 2017

Today's Prayer, Monday, May 1, 2017

Lord God, forgive us for all our sins against thee and one another.  Father, help us to understand what thy Son, Jesus meant when he spoke the words, “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:40).  Praise God.  Father, we pray asking that you continue to send conviction on all people of all nations in hope that we rise up unto perfect harmony, love, grace, and mercy before you and each other.  Father, may we surrender our lives, which are not our own, unto you and thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost seeking your ways, wisdom, and will without ceasing.  Father, strengthen our bodies in word, Spirit, and power giving us the boldness to profess the gospel of thy Son, Jesus Christ.  Preaching and teaching his unconditional love, grace, and mercy unto all people everywhere.  Help us to go throughout the world being ambassadors unto thee, thy kingdom, thy righteousness, and thy glory.  Father, may we humble ourselves before thee daily in prayer, fasting, meditation, word, and Spirit seeking all thy righteousness while consistently rebuking the self-righteousness of the flesh.  Father, please accept our personal thanks, love, glory, honor, and praise this day and always, and fill us to the fullest with the power of all that is righteous before thee through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, help us to be, know, and do thy will in accordance to the gospel of thy Son, Jesus each and every second of our lives as you continue to allow us to live from day to day.  In Jesus’ name we ask of all these things.  Amen.

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