Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Today's Prayer, Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Lord God, may we pray this day with open hearts ready to be filled with all the righteousness of thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we continue to rise up among all people of all nations boldly professing our faith within thee, thy Son, and Spirit.  Father, may it be thy strength, wisdom, and righteousness that we continue to share with others around us.  Help us to understand thy perfect ways and will for our lives.  Father, forgive us for all our shortcomings within our flesh and help us to overcome all things that attempt to steal our personal joy, happiness, and love that thy has so graciously given us.   Father, let us understand that thy Spirit within us, is power and we have everything we need to be victorious in thee, thy kingdom and glory.  Father, may we continue to seek thy kingdom and righteousness in all our ways, and may thy Spirit and truth be that which we claim and rise up in.  Help us oh Lord to be not of this world even though it’s where we presently live.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  Amen.

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Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Today's Prayer, Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Lord God, let us pray for all people everywhere asking that thy continue to send thy grace, love, and mercy upon us.  Father, help us to continue to grow in thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Make us understand thy ways and thoughts are not our ways and thoughts except when we are walking upright within the righteousness and perfect will of thy Spirit.  Father, show us that which we need to see.  Help us to hear and acknowledge that which we need to hear.  May we become broken before thee seeking thy kingdom and righteousness continuously during both the good times as well as the bad.  Father, teach us how to forgive as thou has forgiving us.  Teach us to love how thy loves us.  Teach us to worship, pray, fast, and do all the things that continue to bring us into thy presence without ceasing.  Father, may we continue to lift one another up with words of inspiration rather than those of hatred and envy.  May we love one another unconditionally.  May we share thy word and gospel of thy Son, Jesus under the perfect power, direction, and anointing of thy Spirit.  Please Father continue to have mercy on us all and send thy grace to fill all our weaknesses.  To you Father may we continue to give all thanks, honor, worship, and praise this day and forevermore, and may thy Spirit and the love of thy Son, Jesus be what others see within our personal walk and talk each and every day.  Amen.

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Monday, May 29, 2017

Today's Prayer, Monday, May 29, 2017

Lord God, we pray seeking thy kingdom and righteousness this day for all our lives.  Father, continue to pour out thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost upon all thy children in hope that all who have received him allow him complete control within our lives.  Father, help us to be a blessing always unto one another lifting each other up with thy words, wisdom, and ways of encouragement rather than those of destruction.  Father, may we be strong in our faith, trusting you with all aspects of our lives knowing that thy can do all things for those whom maintain the faith in thy word, Spirit, and gospel of thy Son, Jesus Christ.  Father, let us fail not to recognize where all authority and power originated and still is, thy kingdom, thy glory, thy strength, and thy might.  Father, forgive us as we forgive others.  Fill us with the same unconditional love, grace, and mercy of thee, thy Spirit, and Son, Jesus.  Father, send help were help is truly needed, and conviction where conviction is needed in hope that all people of all nations might humble themselves before thee seeking thy kingdom and righteousness for themselves through their own repentance and acceptance of the salvation of thy Son, Jesus.  Father, may we continue to give all thanks, honor, worship, and praise unto thee without ceasing this day and always, and may the gospel of thy Son, Jesus be written to the tablets of our hearts through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Amen.

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Saturday, May 27, 2017

Today's Prayer, Saturday, May 27, 2017

Father, let us stand boldly this day and always in thy perfect word and Spirit rebuking the evil and those allowing themselves to be dominated by it.  Let it be thy unconditional love, grace, mercy, and power of thy Son, Jesus Christ, and thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost that others see and hear when within our presence.  May we not judge, condemn, or persecute others for whom they are, but witness to them effectively through thy love, mercy, and grace.  Father, fill us with nothing but thy love, grace, mercy, word, and Spirit that surpasses all bad intentions carrying us daily right unto thy throne room and presence.  Father, let us acknowledge and agree that  healing is something we have to first believe in, accept it, and receive it.  Let us know that deliverance has been done as well through our repentance and acceptance of the salvation of thy Son, Jesus.  Father, help us to acknowledge and understand that we have all we need already within us if we are truly filled with thy Spirit to do everything that Jesus professed, proclaimed, and taught, it’s up to us if we allow our own human intellect to deprive us of all thy Supernatural gifts, power, strength, and might.  Father, may we continue to tear down the walls of false preaching, teachings, and doctrine of man, and start rebuilding thy kingdom through unconditional love, grace, and mercy for one another no matter who or where they may be from.  Forgive us for our continuous disbelief, backsliding, and failures to live our lives in accordance to thy perfect will, wisdom, and ways.  Help us to forgive others so that we can walk upright within thy righteousness and Spirit knowing that we have been forgiven for all our sins and transgressions as well.  Father, deliver us from temptation this very minute, this very day, so that we might continue to grow stronger in thy perfect word, will, wisdom, and ways being totally submissive to thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, honor, glory, and praise in all our ways this day and forevermore.  Amen.

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Friday, May 26, 2017

Today's Prayer, Friday, May 26, 2017

Father God, let us pray this day seeking thy perfect wisdom, will, and ways through thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, help us to understand that even though thy salvation through thy Son, Jesus is a free gift from thee, it doesn’t free us allowing us to continue to live in sin and the ways of the flesh thinking that we will still receive thy reward of eternal life in thy heavenly kingdom which is still to come, the New Jerusalem.  Father, please put an end to those who preach and teach once saved always saved.  This belief is the number one contributing factor upholding Satan’s plan in hope that even the elect will continue to abide and adhere to the ways, desires, and lust of the flesh hoping that during their day of judgement they are given unto him due to their own ignorance and continued sinful ways.  Father, may we all acknowledge, this is the leaven that thy Son, Jesus spoke and taught of within thy Holy Scriptures stating beware of the teachings of false doctrine and those prophets teaching those things.  Help us to acknowledge and understand that thy salvation is like a man given a job based merely upon seeking it and receiving it, but Jesus himself states over and over that it’s not the hears of thy word that will enter into thy heavenly gates, but the doers of thy word and will.  Please continue to pour out your love, grace, mercy, and Spirit upon all people everywhere in hope that the true seed of thy righteousness is planted deeply and firmly in those who come to accept all thy word and not just the parts that make them feel good about who they are in this world being of this world.  May we continue to give you, Father all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore, and may thy Spirit and love, grace, and mercy of thy Son, Jesus be that which continues to deliver us from those things which bound those who continuously fall short of thy glory.  Forgive us for our continuous ignorant ways and please do whatever it takes to bring us back unto thy presence as people, nation, and world.  Amen.

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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Today's Prayer, Thursday, May 25, 2017

Father God, we pray this day lifting our hearts up unto thee seeking thy kingdom and righteousness in all our ways.  Father, let it be thy Spirit and word that we adhere too and abide in without ceasing this day and always.  Father, may we bless others in everything we do and say.  Help us to understand thy thoughts and ways as we read thy Holy Scripture within thy word.  Father, forgive us when we fall short of thy glory and help us to continue to walk upright within thy presence.  Help us to forgive others unconditional as you have forgiving us.  Father, may we too not be respecters of persons, but rather love everyone everywhere unconditionally knowing that thy has the power to change the heart, soul, and mind of all people and that vengeance belongs unto thee.  Father, send healing unto those seeking healing, deliverance unto those seeking deliverance, and condemnation upon those who rise up against thy children which have surrender unto thee.  Father, may we fail not to be that which we profess and proclaim to be as one of thy children.  May all persons thy bring before us witness thy unconditional love, grace, and mercy of thy Son, Jesus within us, and may thy Spirit be the one that they see and hear in all our ways.  Amen.

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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Today's Prayer, Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Lord God, let us pray thanking thee for the deliverance thy have already given unto all whom truly believe and accept the salvation of thy Son, Jesus knowing that through our own faith we now have the same Spirit, power, and authority to walk upright with thee continuously proclaiming and receiving all thy word and the gospel of thy Son, Jesus proclaimed, taught, and promised.  Father, may we consistently stand boldly in our faith when sickness and other evils within this world try to come against us.  Father, send teachers teaching all Christians how to activate thy given power and authority which we should already have within us through the righteousness of thy Son and the salvation he freely gives unto all who repent seeking and receiving it.  Father, may we start rising up boldly in all thy will, wisdom, righteousness and ways overcoming all disbeliefs that have been preached and taught over the past two thousand plus years and start walking in the supernatural of thy Spirit and power which Jesus himself proclaimed and prophesied of.  Father, help all people of all nations come to truly accept, believe, and seek thy kingdom and all thy righteousness in all aspects of our lives so that we might start changing who we presently are and becoming those whom thy have called and chosen us to be as thy children through our own submission unto thee, thy Son, and thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we all acknowledge that we are that witness in the wilderness just the same as thy servant John the Baptist, therefore let us prepare ourselves with thy complete armor and start leading others into thy presence in accordance to thy will rather than our own.  Father, may we continue to give thanks, honor, and praise unto thee always as we glorify thee in everything we do and say, and may thy Spirit and the same love, grace, and mercy of thy Son, Jesus be that which we continue to share with all persons thy sends before us this day and forevermore.  Amen.

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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Today's Prayer, Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Lord God, let us pray this day and always seeking thy kingdom and righteousness through thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, fill our hearts, souls, and minds with all thy wisdom, will, and ways in hope we may overcome the evil which surrounds us within this perverse world.  Father, may thy Spirit continue to strengthen us, direct us, and lead us into victory daily sharing the same unconditional love, grace, and mercy as thy Son, Jesus.  Father, may thy light within us shine always without ceasing before all people of all nations.  May we be an inspiration unto all people thy brings before us this day and always effectively sharing the gospel of thy Son, Jesus under the perfect anointing and power of thy Spirit.  Lead us not into temptation this day, but rather deliver us from the evil which consistently tries to bind us.  Forgive us Father of all our sins against thee and others, and help us to be able to forgive others as well so that we may be forgiven by thee.    Please continue to pour out thy unconditional love, grace, and mercy upon all people everywhere no matter whom they may be or what others may think about them in hope that they too repent and receive the salvation of thy Son, Jesus through their own submission receiving the baptism of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we continue to bring remembrance unto thee in all things before we say or do them and may the love of thy Son, Jesus be that which others receive of us as well this day and always.  Let us continue to give you, Father all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all things this day and forevermore.  Amen.

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Monday, May 22, 2017

Today's Prayer, Monday, May 22, 2017

Father, we pray this day giving thee all thanks, glory, honor, and praise for all thy has done, doing, and will continue to do for all who seek thy kingdom and righteousness through thy word and Spirit.  Father, forgive us for who we may be in the flesh helping us to surrender unto the perfect will of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we humble ourselves this day and always before thee and those whom thy bring within our paths to witness and minister (serve) to.  Father, send healing upon those who seek it, give deliverance unto those who need ask for it, and fill us all with the unconditional love, grace, and mercy of thy Son, Jesus.  Father, let us not hate, but rather love those who have hate within their hearts being deceived by the enemy, Satan.  Father, may we always acknowledge that the battles we face are not carnal, but rather spiritual and can only be defeated by our own submission unto thy Spirit within us.  Let us not raise up our hands or voice to provoke strife or harm upon others, but rather lift up our hearts unto thee in upon that thy love that suppresses all evil is that which we continuously pour out about the hurt, lose, miserable, and lonely in this world.  May thy Spirit within us lead the way this day and always, and may the same unconditional love, grace, and mercy of thee and thy Son, Jesus be that which we display and give without ceasing in every aspect of our lives.  Amen.

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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Today's Prayer, Sunday, May 21, 2017

Lord God, let us pray this day seeking thy kingdom and righteousness in all things we do and say.  Father, may thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost be the source of all our wisdom, understanding, and instructions to sustain in this perverse evil world.  Father, continue to lead us by thy power, strength, and might away from the darkness into the light of the salvation of thy Son, Jesus.  Father, may we love all people of all nations unconditionally sharing the same love, grace, and mercy that thy has given unto each of us daily through thy word and Spirit.  Father, send need where need is needed.  Help us to forgive so that we may be forgiven.  Teach us to keep our ways and conversations holy before all people of all generations.  Father, may your Spirit be that which others see with us and within us in all things we do and say.  May we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore, and may thy Son, Jesus continue to be who’s gospel we trust and have unconditional faith in.  Amen.

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Saturday, May 20, 2017

Today's Prayer, Saturday, May 20, 2017

Lord God, we pray interceding for all those who are lose and hurt throughout the world.  Please Father, continue to send men and women filled  with thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost and thy word among all people everywhere in hope that they effectively share and lead them to the salvation of thy Son, Jesus and the baptism of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we all come to acknowledge and accept there is only one way to truly fellowship and worship with thee and it is through thy Spirit alone.  Father, let people start seeing that which they need to see and hearing that which they need to hear in hope that we all one day shall enter into thy kingdom before thy Son, Jesus being found worthy of all thy promises.  Father, may we continue to humble ourselves before thee and one another keeping thy commandments and our conversations holy before thee.  Let us not talk condemnation into assistance among our brothers and sisters, but rather thy mercy, love, grace, and power of thy kingdom and righteousness.  Father, help us to continue to bless others no matter what our present conditions or circumstances may knowing that our rewards will be giving unto us in thy time, not always ours.  To you Father may we continue to give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all our thoughts and ways this day and forevermore.  May thy Spirit continue to be our guide, and the love of thy Son, Jesus our hope everlasting.  Amen.

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Friday, May 19, 2017

Today's Prayer, Friday, May 19, 2017

Lord God, may we humble ourselves before thee this day and always seeking thy forgiveness and asking for thy continued guidance and direction through thy word and Spirit.  Father, bless those who are in need of a blessing.  Heal those who stand upon thy promises knowing that thy have already giving us the ability and power to both generate and claim healing within ourselves and others based upon thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, let us fail not to continue to share thy unconditional love, grace, mercy, and gospel of thy Son, Jesus Christ with everyone everywhere.  May thy Spirit be the one that rises up within us giving us all the boldness, courage, strength, wisdom, and power to do that which all thy chosen children have been called to do.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all our ways this day and forever, and may thy Spirit be the one we seek for all things that are righteous before thee and of thee.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Today's Prayer, Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Lord God, let us pray that we start acknowledge the power within us that thy has already given unto all professing the salvation of Jesus Christ, thy Son, and the filling of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Let us start rising up among this world with a different outlook and perspective knowing without a doubt that we have the power and authority already within us to declare physical, mental, and spiritual healings as well as rebuking the advancement of thy enemy, Satan.  Father, let us acknowledge that by thy Son’s death on the cross at Calvary, Satan has already been defeated, death for the righteous before thee is no longer a curse, and sickness is an evil illusion that attempts to steal our joy, peace, and happiness.  Let us start claiming the truth of thy word and all thy promises being bold and confident in all thy have giving us already.  Father, may we start speaking to all the mountains that stand between us and everything you desire that we have and take control over.  Not let anyone or anything deny us that which you through thy word and Spirit have already given us.  Father, today as always, we give you all thanks, honor, glory, and praise this day and forevermore.  May the perfect will of thy Spirit, and the love, grace, and mercy of thy Son, Jesus Christ be that which we continue to adhere too and abide in this day and always.  Amen.

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Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Today's Prayer, Tuesday, May 16, 2016

Lord God, let us pray this day once again giving all thanks, honor, and praise unto thee, thy glory and kingdom.  Father, please forgive us for who we are and continue to send thy mercy, love, and grace upon us through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we be not ashamed of the gospel of thy Son, Jesus Christ.  Help us to be bold in our faith and walk with thee Oh Lord.  Father, may we be a blessing always unto one another no matter whom thy sends before us daily.  Father, may we continue to lift one another up daily in our faith, trust, and belief of all that is righteous before thee in hope that no one should fail to enter into thy kingdom and glory during that day of judgement which is still yet to come.  Father, may we always honor you and all things we do and say, and may thy Spirit be our continuous hope, strength, and power that we continuously seek and walk in all the days of our lives.  To you Father be the glory, and may thy Son, Jesus Christ be our shepherd this day and forevermore.  Amen.

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Monday, May 15, 2017

Today's Prayer, Monday, May 15, 2017

Lord God, we pray this day giving all thanks, honor, and praise unto thee.  Let us lift up holy hands unto thee as we allow thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost to continuously minister to our hearts filling them with all that is righteous before thee.  Father, thank you for your word, thy Holy Scriptures and all the revelations, mysteries, and secrets within that is revealed to all whom walk upright unto thee in the will and wisdom of thy Spirit.  Father, please continue to forgive all who continue to fall short of thy glory.  Please continue to send thy children before them in hope that they too might repent and accept thy forgiveness through the salvation and blood of thy Son, Jesus Christ.  Father, may we recognize and agree that not one of us here on earth know thy perfect will, ways, and wisdom, but may we continue to seek thy kingdom and righteousness every minute of our lives in hope that we continue to help in the building of that New Jerusalem that Saint John spoke of within the book of Revelation.  Father, send help where help is truly needed and conviction where it is needed as well.  To you Father may we always give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise seeking thy perfect will and wisdom through thy Spirit and trying to live our lives in accordance with the gospel of thy Son, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Today's Prayer, Sunday, May 14, 2017

Lord God, may we come before you this day humbling ourselves within thy presence and places of worship giving all thanks, honor, and praise unto thee.  Father, bless all mothers of all people and all nations on this special day of recognition sending unto them thy perfect love, grace, and mercy for all they’ve done and continue to do within their own personal servitude to not only their children, family, and friends, but also unto thy kingdom.  Father, help us to be a blessing unto one another lifting each other up within our prayers, worship, and praise unto thee.  Father, may we come to hear and see all that is righteous before thee and start seeking thy perfect wisdom, will, and ways through thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost allowing it to be written to the tablets of our hearts so that we will continue to edify thee and thy kingdom in everything we do and say.  To you Father we give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore asking that thy Spirit continue to be our guide unto the righteousness of everything thy Son, Jesus Christ taught and proclaimed.  Amen.

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Saturday, May 13, 2017

Today's Prayer, Saturday, May 13, 2017

Lord God, we pray this day just thanking thee for who thy are and all thy have done, and continue to do.  Father, there is none like you that can take everything we have ever said or done against thee and thy kingdom still yet forgiving us accepting us just as we are, yet sinners.  Father, we pray that you continue to pour out your unconditional love, grace, and mercy upon all people of every nation around the world that still needs to repent and accept thy grace through the salvation of thy Son, Jesus Christ.  Father, help us to be the witness we need to be giving testimony that edifies you, your kingdom, righteousness, and glory in everything we say and do.  Father, please send healings and blessings upon all that seek thy perfect will, ways, and wisdom for their lives unconditionally without any other expectation in life accept the achievement of eternal life in thy heavenly kingdom.  Father, may we continue to honor and praise thee in everything we do and say this day and forevermore, and may thy Spirit continue to be the comforter and guide that we seek, adhere to and abide in without ceasing this day and always.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Friday, May 12, 2017

Today's Prayer, Friday, May 12, 2017

Lord God, please help us to do that which we need to do in order that we might edify thee and thy kingdom, Son, and Spirit.  Father, fill thy Spirit within us with everything we need to be able to sustain the evil that dwells in this world about us attacking our health, finances, and relationships.  Father, send thy mercy, grace, and healing upon all people of all nations in hope that we all come to adhere and abide in the righteousness of thy perfect word and Spirit.  Father, send relief unto those in true need and conviction upon all whom are living a lie allowing themselves to be deceived by this world and those conformed too it.  Father, may it not be by our strength, authority, power, and might that we do or say anything, but rather by thy strength, authority, power, and might that only comes from within giving unto us by thee through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we continue to share thy unconditional love, grace, and mercy with every one you bring before us this day and always, and may we fail not to give you continuous thanks, love, honor, and praise in all things this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Thursday, May 11, 2017

Today's Prayer, Thursday, May 11, 2017

Lord God, we pray unto thee this day lifting up our hearts asking that thy Spirit be that which fills us with all the riches of thy kingdom and righteousness.  Father, help the people of this nation as well as all nations to come to agree and understand that you are King of kings, Lord of lords, the Alpha and Omega (the beginning and end).  Help us to see and hear all that is righteous before thee in hope that we allow thy Spirit to become dominant within our lives.  Father, may we continue to humble ourselves before thee and one another in all our ways.  Knowing and understanding that everyone sometimes has a bad day and rather condemn them and persecute them for it, give us the love, grace, and mercy of Christ, thy Son to speak a word or words of thy wisdom and will that might lift those persons up in hope to deliver them from that which is keeping them bound, sin.  Father, we pray for the children of this nation and world that you will continue to raise up saints before them that truly have thy compassion within their heart, soul, and mind to give and love unconditionally no matter whom these children are or what they’ve been exposed to or might have done.  Father, strengthen these physical bodies of ours as we stand boldly in our faith that all things are possible through thee, thy Son, and Spirit.  Father, may we fail not to continue to give you all thanks, honor, and praise in all our ways this day and forevermore, and may thy Spirit continue to minister unto us thy wisdom, ways, will, and righteousness every minute of every day for as long as thy shall allow us to live and walk among this earth.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Today's Prayer, Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Lord God, let us pray today that we continue to grow in thy perfect will, wisdom, and ways through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, let us agree and understand that sickness was brought into this world through deception and sin.  Father, all professing the salvation of thy Son, Jesus Christ and the baptism unto thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost should know, understand, and proclaim the same power and authority thy Son, Jesus received at the river Jordan that day that John baptized him.  Father, let us see, hear, receive, and proclaim all that is true within thy word and Spirit.  Father, it was thy Spirit that fell upon thy Son that day raising him up to be able to do all the things he did.  Even John the Baptist proclaimed that himself.  Father, let us pray that we start unlocking the power, authority, and might that thy has already given us to do the greater things that we’ve been called to do for the good of thy kingdom, glory, and might.  To you Father may we continue to humble ourselves before giving all thanks, honor, and praise, and may thy Spirit be the light of our lives and world this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Today's Prayer, Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Lord God forgive us for that which we’ve become as a nation and people.  Help us to regain focus on all that is righteous before thee.  Father, we need you now like no other.  Please send thy conviction and correction upon this nation and the authority appointed over it at all levels of government bringing us back unto thy perfect will, wisdom, and ways.  Father, help people of all nations and beliefs to agree that there is only two genders within all creation, male and female.  There is no other than these two.  For anyone to agree or think otherwise it is an abomination, a sin against thee.  Father, we have defiantly step off the deep end thinking that we have the right to change that which was created by thy own hands.  Father, help the men and women that thy have chosen to preach and teach thy word, will, and wisdom to rise up in the boldness of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost and start preaching repentance and deliverance in accordance to thy perfect will, wisdom, and ways.  Let us pray for a great awaking in this nation as well as all nations in hope that we all might repent unto thee without ceasing and start seeking thy kingdom and righteousness in all our ways this day and forevermore.  Father, give us the strength, boldness, power, and word within us to continue to fight against the principalities of darkness which is rising up at a fast rate against us.  Let us not be ashamed of thy gospel nor allow ourselves to become comfortable with all the evil and perverseness that is constantly being introduced into society and the raising of our children.  Let us understanding we are not here to judge, condemn, or persecute anyone, but we cannot continue to allow the enemy, Satan to rise up among us and our children without fighting the fight for the good of thy kingdom, thy righteousness, and lost souls.  To you Father may we continue to give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore, and may thy Spirit be the strength, power, and authority that helps us to do that which we’ve been called to do.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Monday, May 8, 2017

Today's Prayer, Monday, May 8, 2017

Lord God, let us pray lifting up our voices and hearts unto thee seeking thy perfect way, will, and purpose for our lives.  Father, continue to forgive us and help us forgive others.  Father, help us to be a perfect witness and testimony unto others in hope that all come to accept the salvation of thy Son, Jesus Christ.  Father, may we start walking in thy perfect will, wisdom, and ways through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost whom should be with each and every one of us whom proclaim the sanctification unto thy righteousness through thy Son, and Spirit.  Father, help us to realize that thy power, might, and ability to rebuke all sickness, sorrow, and pain that the enemy may send against us is already within us if we truly have thy Spirit living inside of us.  Father, may we keep ourselves humble before thee and one another always.  Not boasting about who we are or what we think we know, but rather sharing thy word and the gospel of thy Son in accordance to your perfect will through thy Spirit.  Father, we love you, we praise you, we worship you, and we give all that thy has given unto us back to thee to do with whatever thy will may be.  To you Father, we give all thanks, honor, glory, and praise this day and forever, and may thy Spirit always be that which we follow and trust without any confusion or doubt.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Sunday, May 7, 2017

Today's Prayer, Sunday, May 7, 2017

Lord God, let us pray that all men and women that step into the pulpits around the world this very day surrenders unto thy perfect ways, will, and wisdom sharing all things that are righteous before thee as given unto them through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, strengthen our bodies, soul, and mind in accordance with thy word and Spirit.  Let us fail not to seek thee, thy kingdom, and thy righteous in all things before we say or do them.  Father, may we continue to humble ourselves before thee and one another always in hope that something we do or say might lead others unto the foot of thy throne and acceptance of the salvation of thy Son, Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.  Father, may we continue to bless others without any expectations of anything in return other than thy love, grace, and mercy.  Please accept our thanks, honor, and praise unto thee this day and forevermore, and may thy Spirit be that which others see and hear when they are within our presence.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Saturday, May 6, 2017

Today's Prayer, Saturday, May 6, 2017

Father, let us pray today asking that your will be done in all our lives.  Let us pray asking that your will continue to be done in all people of all nations in hope that we all become united unto one perfect body within Christ, thy Son.  Father, help us to see, hear, understand, and agree with all that is righteous of thee being from thee and given unto all who seek it through thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we stop being those people that allow the spirits of thy enemy Satan to rise up within us having us to conform to his will and perverse ways.  Father, fill us all with thy true Spirit, the Holy Ghost which gives us the same power, authority, strength, and boldness that thy Son, Jesus spoke and taught of.  Father, help those who are allowing themselves to be deceived to get into thy word and start truly seeking thy perfect will, ways, and wisdom in hope that they too can overcome him that is in the world by the power, strength, and might of thy Spirit.  Father, may we continue to humble ourselves before thee always as we humble ourselves before one another as well.  Let us start truly living our lives in accordance with all that is righteous before thee.  Father, help us to overcome the evil around us and sometimes within our place of comfort being our own homes.  Father, may we fail not to thank you in all our ways, things, and life giving you all honor, glory, and praise without ceasing, and may thy Spirit be that which we consistently seek in all things we do and say in hope that thy Son’s gospel is effectively being shared with all we meet.  Help us to remember, to live is Christ, and to die is gain for those who keep thy commandments and do thy will.  Amen.

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Friday, May 5, 2017

Today's Prayer, Friday, May 5, 2017

Father, let us pray lifting up our hearts unto thee in hope that you take them and cleanse them purifying them once again making them pure before thee and one another.  Please forgive us for all our sins and who we may presently be in this perverse evil world.   Send thy love, grace, and mercy upon us in hope that we all continue to surrender unto thy perfect will, wisdom, and ways as directed by thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, please put the passion and fire back into our hearts that was once there in all that have truly repented and accepted the salvation of thy Son, Jesus Christ.  Let people start hearing and abiding in the truth of thy righteousness while keeping thy commandments.  Father, we need more ambassadors unto the gospel of Jesus.  Please send help where help is needed and continue to give us the boldness, strength, and power to continually share that which you’ve freely given us unto all that you bring before us this day and always.  May we fail not Father to continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore, and may the same love, mercy, and grace abide in us that thy Son, Jesus so much wants us to have.  May we surrender to thy Spirit in all our ways as we journey throughout this nation and world to all four corners of the earth sharing the gospel of thy Son, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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Thursday, May 4, 2017

Today's Prayer, Thursday, May 4, 2017

Lord God, we pray this day thanking thee for all thy has done, doing, and will continue to do for those who keep thy commandments.  Father, help us to continue to grow in thy perfect will, wisdom, and ways by adhering and abiding in thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we humble ourselves before thee and each other constantly knowing that our real purpose of existence is to serve one another as we serve thee.  Father, help us to help others, heal those seeking healing in true faith, and convict all who is still loss within this perverse evil world in hope that they too repent seeking the salvation of thy Son, Jesus and thy Comforter, the Holy Ghost.  Father, help us to acknowledge and understand that we could never be righteous before thee accept through thy Spirit.  Father, bless those that bless others unconditionally, and please accept all our thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and always, and may the same Spirit of thy Son, Jesus Christ be the same Spirit people see within our every thought, action, and word.  Amen.

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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Today's Prayer, Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Lord God, let us pray this day and always asking that thy will be done within our lives, nation, and world in hope that we, as both people and nations might become united unto one body within thy Son, Jesus Christ.  Father, forgive us and help us to forgive others for any and all sin that may be within us.  Father, help us to grow in thy perfect love, grace, and mercy adhering and abiding unto the will of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, fill us with thy wisdom giving us prefect understand of all that is righteous before thee.  Than help us to apply thy righteousness to our heart so that it is what others around us see, witness, and receive when we stand within their presence.  Father, may we continue to left up the loss and weaken in thy Spirit helping them overcome and seek Jesus for deliverance from the sin that is keeping them bound in continuous pain, suffering, and misery.  Father, we speak against all evil within this present perverse world that is hindering the completion of thy perfect plan not only for our lives, but the lives of all humanity, rebuking it and demanding that it flee.  Father, strengthen us with all power, authority, and might of thy Spirit giving us everything we need to fight the evil that surrounds us.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forever, and may the love of Christ be that which we share with everyone we come in contact with this day and always.  Amen.

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Monday, May 1, 2017

Today's Prayer, Monday, May 1, 2017

Lord God, forgive us for all our sins against thee and one another.  Father, help us to understand what thy Son, Jesus meant when he spoke the words, “Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:40).  Praise God.  Father, we pray asking that you continue to send conviction on all people of all nations in hope that we rise up unto perfect harmony, love, grace, and mercy before you and each other.  Father, may we surrender our lives, which are not our own, unto you and thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost seeking your ways, wisdom, and will without ceasing.  Father, strengthen our bodies in word, Spirit, and power giving us the boldness to profess the gospel of thy Son, Jesus Christ.  Preaching and teaching his unconditional love, grace, and mercy unto all people everywhere.  Help us to go throughout the world being ambassadors unto thee, thy kingdom, thy righteousness, and thy glory.  Father, may we humble ourselves before thee daily in prayer, fasting, meditation, word, and Spirit seeking all thy righteousness while consistently rebuking the self-righteousness of the flesh.  Father, please accept our personal thanks, love, glory, honor, and praise this day and always, and fill us to the fullest with the power of all that is righteous before thee through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, help us to be, know, and do thy will in accordance to the gospel of thy Son, Jesus each and every second of our lives as you continue to allow us to live from day to day.  In Jesus’ name we ask of all these things.  Amen.

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