Saturday, July 9, 2016

Today's Prayer, July 9, 2016

Father God, your word teaches us that you know our needs and for all that trust, believe, and have the faith that you’re Son, Jesus, spoke and taught of, we should have no worries in our lives.  Father, I pray that you unleash the gates of your Heavenly Kingdom and that thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost be risen up in all that proclaim to be sanctified in Christ through the salvation he gives to all that repent , ask, and receive it.  Father, let people see prophesy that is being fulfilled by the minute, hour, day, month, and year.  Father, remove the blinders from the eyes of all men and women allowing them to really see their weaknesses and strengths pertain to each of their individual salvation.  Father, Jesus taught that the time for repentance was and still is at hand, I pray that we stop worrying about what others are doing or failing to do, and start focusing on our individual relationships with you, you’re Son, and the Holy Ghost.  Father, let us bring to remembrance that it was our sins and iniquities that led to the crucifixion of our Lord and Savior, Jesus, and it is our sins and iniquities that is continuously condemning many still to an eternity of damnation, because of our own choices of which we choose to believe, adhere to, apply to our lives, and follow.  May the wolves in the sheep clothing be revealed, and may people start focusing on your true word, seeking your perfect will for their individual lives.  Please remove the political, personal, and all other agendas of the flesh from those whom profess to be man of God and preaching thy word and message under the anointing of thy Spirit.  Father, let us welcome your chastising and discipline into our lives, the lives of our children, and the people of all nations throughout the world in hope that all come to accept salvation and start living righteously in accordance to your perfect will rather than ours.  Father, may we continue to give you all the glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  Amen.

Prayer Needs and Request of Others:

For all the unspoken pray needs of all who follow and support this ministry, I pray that God’s will be done continuously in all things.  To Him give all the glory, honor, and praise forever.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs prayer, please let us bind with you and visit