Father, today let us stand remembering that it is you that
contains all wisdom and understanding that we so desperately need. Please Father, pour out your mercy, love, and
grace upon all people of all nations in hope that all people come to accept
Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.
Father, fill thy Spirit within us with that which is righteous before
you. Direct our paths in your own
righteous ways rather than allowing us to surrender unto our own flesh. Father, help those who seek your will for
their lives and desperately need the help of others whom you have so graciously
blessed. Father, may we all be a witness
for the greater good lifting all brothers and sisters up and sharing the love
of Jesus with everyone everywhere.
Father, may you one day smile upon us all telling saying unto us, well done
my faithful loving servant, well done.
Father until that day, please hear our prayers, meet our daily needs,
and protect us from the evil of this world.
Lord God, we give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and
forevermore. Amen.
If you or someone you
know needs special prayer, please visit: http://1by1ministry.org/prayer.asp