Lord God, we pray giving you thanks this day raising our
voices in unity so that you may hear our plead for the continuous pouring out
of your unconditional love, mercy, and grace upon all people of all nations. Father, please hearken into the voices of
those mother’s that cry out for the salvation of their children. Father, please hear the fathers asking for
forgiveness of their rebellious ways and seeking your wisdom, guidance, and
understanding. Father, we thank you for
the correctness you give us in all our ways in all our lives in hope that we
become more like our Lord and Savior, Jesus.
Father, hear the cries of the lost and wicked when they truly repent and
ask for forgiveness. Send thy son,
Jesus, to purge them of their sinful ways and send angels to start helping them
to grow in that one on one relationship with you, your Son, and the Holy
Ghost. Amen. Father,
we know that the end of time comes nearer to us each and every day, and for
some this may be their last day here on earth.
Father, please find them to be righteous before you if they ask on their
last breath the salvation of thy son, Jesus.
Father, let us fail not to continue to grow in thy Spirit, thy word, thy
grace, and thy mercy giving us the same compassionate heart and will of thy
Son, Jesus. Father, we love you and will
continue to give you all the glory, honor, and praise this day and
forevermore. In Jesus’ name we pray and
ask of all things. Amen.
If you or someone you
know needs special prayer, please visit: http://1by1ministry.org/prayer.asp