Father, we humble ourselves today before you and all your
majesty giving you thanks for all that you’ve done, doing, and will continue to
do. Father, let us not forget who has
the power to give life and take it away.
Let us understand that it’s you that will truly deliver us, heal us, and
save us when we call upon that name, Jesus, repenting of who we are and start
living the new life with him, through him, and by him under the anointing,
power, and authority of the Holy Ghost.
Father, please be merciful unto the ignorant of this world who choose to
live in it and of it. Father, we know
that the end is near and that soon, you will be sending your Son to bring the
truly righteous before you home unto that new Heavenly Kingdom, the New Jerusalem
that John referred to in the book of Revelation. Father, may we stand united, binding in thy Spirit
and in one accord when that day shall come.
No more denominational differences.
No more belief of we are right and everyone else is wrong. Lord God, humble us this day with thy
presence and reveal to us that hatred comes in many forms and fashions even
among those who proclaim salvation and righteousness. Let us take a good look at ourselves and
Father, reveal to us our own strengths and weaknesses. Let us not hate or condemn those who presently
fail to accept you and all your majesty in accordance with your perfect word,
but rather hope that we may sow a seed into fertile soil that you can continue
to water through thy Spirit and help it grow.
Father, we love you and will continue to give you all the honor, glory,
and praise this day and forevermore.
If you or someone you
know needs special prayer, please visit: http://1by1ministry.org