Father God, today once again we humble ourselves before you
in acknowledgement and recognition that you are still in control this day as
well as all the others that has come before.
Father, please continue to have mercy and send grace upon all people of
all nations. Continue to help change the
direction and hearts of all political and spiritual leaders not only in this
nation, but all nations. Father, we
welcome the discipline of your hand which we as a people and a nation sometimes
need in order to bring us back into a place of righteousness which only comes
from the full submission unto thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost. Father, continue to raise up those who are
more than willing to serve others whom are poor and afflicted, but not of their
own chose. Father, heal those that humble
themselves seeking spiritual, physical, and mental healing. Lord God, we acknowledge that there is no
other that continuously shows unconditional love, mercy, and compassion unto a
world full of wickedness and evil, accept you.
And Father, we know that all things are possible to those who are righteous
in Christ asking you to help during those times which we don’t have the answers
or the means. To you Father, we continue
to give all the glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore. Amen.
Prayer Needs and Request of Others:
For all the unspoken pray needs of all who follow and
support this ministry, I pray that God’s will be done continuously in all
things. To Him give all the glory,
honor, and praise forever. Amen.
If you or someone you
know needs prayer, please let us bind with you and visit http://1by1ministry.com/prayer.asp