Father, please forgive us for that which we sometimes allow
ourselves to be, and send thy Spirit to help us to become whom you want and
desire us to be. Forgive us for failing
to adhere to your perfect word. Forgive
us for our lustful ways and desires.
Forgive us for the hatred that we allow to rise up within us against each
other. Father, help us to continue to
recognize that it is only be surrendering to your perfect will, accepting
Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, and receiving the baptism of the Holy
Ghost that we should have the least bit of hope of achieving the promise of
eternal life in your Heavenly Kingdom.
Father, please continue to have mercy upon all people of all nations
pouring out your unconditional love and grace.
Father, please continue to mold us as the clay that we should be so that
we might become children worthy of all that you are willing to give unto us in
exchange for our willingness to do that which your word instructs us to do and
being obedient to the truth which is Christ, thy begotten Son. Father, may we continue to give you all the glory,
honor, and praise in all things we do and say this day and forevermore. Amen.
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