Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Today's Prayer, Thursday, October 25, 2016

Father, please help us this day to grow stronger in thy love, grace, and mercy under the anointing of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, send comfort where comfort is needed, send conviction where conviction is needed, send love, compassion, and charity where they are needed in hope that all people surrender unto thee through the salvation of thy Son, Jesus.  Father, help us to be the witness to others that we should be.  Teach us to hear thy words and wisdom giving unto us by thy Spirit applying your will and ways unto our lives prior to speaking or trying to share with others.  Father, help us to understand that perfection only comes from the submission unto thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  We cannot profess to be righteous before thee if we fail to listen, acknowledge, and accept the perfect will of thy Spirit in all we do and say.  Father, may we be a blessing to those in need of a blessing.  Father, please heal our land and our people bringing us back unto thy righteousness in all our ways.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.


Please bind with us during this special time.  My wife recently lost her father who was laid to rest last Wednesday, and my nieces are presently making the preparations for their dad’s, my brother’s funeral.  My nieces, sisters, and I are extremely grateful for every one’s prayers and kind words.  May the Spirit of God continue to be the strength for all persons who have suffered the loss of a special loved one within their lives.  Let us acknowledge and understand that God has a plan and for those who trust the Father in all their ways death is only a brief resting place for those that have already died in Christ.  May we continue to give God all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all things this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

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