Thursday, October 20, 2016

Today's Prayer, Thursday, October 20, 2016

Lord God, let us pray this day asking that you continue to send thy compassion, grace, mercy, and love upon all people of all nations in hope that people everywhere may repent and accept the salvation of thy son, Jesus Christ.  Father, may your Spirit, the Holy Ghost, rise up within each and every person that professes thy son, Jesus as their Lord and Savior giving us the strength, courage, and endurance we need to continue to rebuke the evil which surrounds us while sowing seeds of thy love for all humanity.  Father, may we be a blessing always to one another showing true love, compassion, and concern for others.  May our actions and words be a testimony unto thee and all thy glory and majesty always.  Father, send healing upon those who seek it and send relief upon those who are faithful in all their ways.  Father, may we continue to seek your perfect will and ways for our everyday situations, circumstances, and lives surrendering to the power, authority, and direction of the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we fail not to continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in everything we do and say this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.


Please bind with us in prayer for Leonard Yates and all his direct family.  Leonard is presently in ICU in Alexander City, Alabama presently hooked up to a ventilator.  Let us pray for a miraculous recovery for Leonard and also for his salvation.  May the Lord Our God send love, grace, mercy, and compassion upon him, his family, and all that are praying for him this day and always.  Remember unto the Father give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise for all he has done, doing, and will continue to do this day and forevermore.  Amen.

Please keep in prayer my lovely wife, Suellen Yates and her sisters and brother for the recent loss of their dad, Marvin Lewis McCullough, US Army Master Sergeant (Retired) who was laid to rest yesterday in Columbia, South Carolina.  May God continue to give them the strength and endurance they need during their moment of sorrow and may that sorrow be turned once again into joy, peace, and happiness knowing that Marvin was a saved man and yesterday wasn’t goodbye, but rather until we meet again.  To God give the glory, honor, and praise.  Amen.

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