Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Today's Prayer, August 9, 2016

Father God, please come unto us this day giving us your wisdom and understanding under the divine anointing, authority, and power of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we all surrender unto your perfect will this day and always.  May we lift one another up with words and actions of faith, inspiration, and encouragement.  Father, fill our hearts, souls, and minds with thy love, mercy, and grace.  Help us to be the witness you’ve called us to be.  Give us the strength and courage to help each other to grow in the same faith and belief that you would want us all to have, bringing us all into one body, one mind, and one accord.  Father, give us the power and authority to rebuke and cast out all demonic spirits which attempt to enter into our presence.  Give us the word to speak that will help your glorious kingdom continue to grow.  Give us the patience we need to know when to speak and when to hold our tongue.  Father, send help unto those who truly have a need, and conviction upon those who are living a lie.  Father, let us understand that your will has always been that which will be done in hope that we humble ourselves before you and one another seeking that will rather than the will of our own flesh.  Father, heal our lands, our nation, our families, our friends, and all people everywhere this day and always.  May we continue to give you all the thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all things this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ precious name we pray.  Amen.

If you or someone you know needs special prayer, please visit: http://1by1ministry.org/prayer.asp