Father God,
may we not profess to be wise in our own minds, but rather become fools for
Christ under the anointing of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, hoping that we can be
the child you’ve called us to be.
Father, direct our paths this day and always keeping us on the straight
and narrow which Jesus himself taught and proclaimed. Father, may we always seek thy will for our
lives through thy scripture and Spirit.
Father, help us to be a blessing unto one another and may we continue to
lift one another up in prayer and faith always.
Father, send thy comforter upon those who seek it, healing upon those
who need it and ask, and deliverance upon all who repent and ask forgiveness of
their sins. Father, may we always humble
ourselves before you this day and always seeking your will and applying it to
our daily routines and life. Father,
please accept our thanks, glory, honor, and praise unto you this day and
forevermore. In Jesus’ name we
pray. Amen.
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special prayer, please visit: http://1by1ministry.org/prayer.asp