Monday, August 15, 2016

Today's Prayer, August 15, 2016

Father God, today may we stand in intersession prayer for all who are lost and still catering and living under the direction and authority of this world, Satan.  Father, we ask that you continue to be merciful upon all people of all nations no matter what our sins or transgressions may be.  Father, we know that thy Son, Jesus, stands in intersession for those who have repented, asked, and received salvation, but let us also acknowledge that without the baptism of thy comforter, the Holy Ghost, we will never fulfill our true journey and purpose within this life.  Father, help us to continue to grow in thy wisdom, word, and Spirit through our own faith and trust in the belief of all thy Son’s teaching and preaching.  Father, help us to understand that unless we be converted back to that of a child having absolutely no knowledge of life and seeking all wisdom through thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost, we will not enter into thy kingdom on that very special day of judgement.  Father, let our prayers always be not only about ourselves, but for and about others who have no salvation, joy, or hope in their lives.  Father, may we all be a continuous blessing one upon another, and may we give all people of all race and nationality the same compassion, love, and forgiveness that you give us.  Father, let us fail not to remember you in all things and continue to give you all the glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ precious name we pray.  Amen.

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