Father God,
give us thy strength, courage, and wisdom this day to rise up and be thy
children chosen to go forth sharing the love and gospel of thy son, Jesus Christ,
under the direction, power, and authority of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost. Father, let us acknowledge you in all things
we do and say. Father, keep us humble
before you sending correction and disciple unto us when we step out of the path
of thy righteousness into the ways of the flesh. Father, help us to understand that our
thoughts are not your thoughts, and our ways are not your ways knowing that we
don’t always have to have perfect understanding to why things happen the way
they do, but rather just trust you through our own faith and belief that you’re
in control of all things always. Father,
may something we say or do this day help someone around us come to acknowledge
and know the salvation of thy son, Jesus.
Father, help us to be a blessing to one another, and continue to send
upon all people of all nations thy unconditional love, grace, and mercy. Father, send help upon those in true
desperation and despair no matter who they may be or what they’ve done. We ask that you give them the same compassion
and love that you continue to give each of us and may we do the same. Father, let us know that it is your ways that
are just and righteous and may we all continue to seek those ways through thy
Holy Scripture and our own submission to the will of thy Spirit, the Holy
Ghost. Father, may we fail not to thank
you and everything we do this day and always, and may we continue to give you
all the glory, honor, and praise forevermore.
In Jesus’ precious name we pray.
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