Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Today's Prayer, Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Father, we pray asking that you continue to do that which needs to be done in all our lives this day and always.  Help us to see, hear, and do all things that are righteous before thee and giving unto us by thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, as we seek thy perfect will and ways please give us the wisdom and understanding of all things through the anointing of thy Spirit.  Father, may we take thy wisdom and understanding that is giving unto us and apply it to who we presently are in hope that we become more like thy son, Jesus in all our ways.  Father, we know that none is righteous accept by our own submission unto the perfect will and ways of thy Spirit.  We know that even though we are of the flesh that we can’t allow the flesh to be in control of who we are in conversation, situation, or circumstance.  Help us to rise up daily professing and sharing thy love, grace, and mercy with everyone we meet.  Father, may we be a blessing unto others in all our ways.  Father, help us to continue to walk upright at all times focused on the light that is giving unto us through the salvation of thy son, Jesus.  Help us to be bold in our faith, trust, and belief of all that Jesus spoke and taught while being humble before everyone that you bring before us to minister and share with.  Father, let it be your words and wisdom that we speak in all conversation so that you receive all glory and edification.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in everything we do and say this day and forever.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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