Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Today's Prayer, Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Father, hear this prayer as we pray for all people of all nations.  Father, we pray for all the children around the globe that have been born into unfavorable conditions, circumstances, situations, and poverty.  Father, send relief upon these children providing medicine, food, clothing, shelter, protection, and whatever else is needed unto them and the saints that are trying to help them.  Father, help us to understand that it takes people of all nations to come together in an effort to change these children’s circumstances, conditions, and lives.  Father, help us to not focus such much on who, what, where, when, and why the contributions we send are being spent or utilized, but rather help us to have unquestionable faith, trust, and belief that thy will is being doing in all these matters.  Father, we know that not all proclaiming to be righteous before thee are whom they proclaim and profess to be, but Father, we know and understand that vengeance is yours and not that of our own.  Father, help us to understand that unless we give unknowingly to these organizations that are able to move within the most horrific environments and conditions around the world sharing thy love, grace and mercy of thy gospel, we are failing to do our part that will always be righteous before thee.  Father, may we humble ourselves before you this day and always seeking thy perfect will and ways through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  To you Father we give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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