Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Today's Prayer, Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Lord God, we pray today asking for thy patience, strength, endurance, and power be given unto us through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Help us Father to continue to sustain from the constant perverseness and evil ways of this world.  Father, help us to become totally submissive unto thee through thy word, will, ways, and Spirit so that all we do and say gives constant edification unto thee and all thy glory.  Father, as we approach this new year, help us understand that the additional time giving unto us and this world by thee is for no other reason than the opportunity to continue to share the love and gospel of thy son, Jesus Christ in hope that all who hear it repent and accept thy salvation and start living a righteous life before thee.  Father, may our life no longer be our own, but rather a servant and temple unto thee.  Father, please continue to have compassion towards all mankind sending thy love, grace, and mercy upon all people everywhere no matter what they may have done or who they are in the world.  Father, we need thee and humble ourselves before thee asking constant forgiveness of all sin where we’ve fallen short of thy perfect will and ways.  Please be with us this day and always in everything we do and say.  To you, Father, we give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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