Saturday, April 29, 2017

Today's Prayer, Saturday, April 29, 2017

Father, may we pray always seeking thy perfect will, wisdom, and ways through thy Spirit and word.  Let us understand that our ways are not your ways nor are our thoughts your thoughts.  Father, may we understand that we’re not here to judge or question your decisions and will, but rather to humble ourselves before thee and one another in everything we say and do.  Father, help us to maintain flavor within our salt.  Help us keep the light of the salvation of thy Son, Jesus upon our candlesticks and raised high for all to see and witness.  Let us not boast about who we are in thy Spirit, but rather share the same unconditional love, mercy, and grace that can only come from thy Spirit with everyone around us and that we may have contact with.  Father, strengthen us in the boldness of our faith, trust, and belief giving us the same power and authority as thy gave thy Son, Jesus when he was raised up out of the river Jordon after being baptized by thy servant, John the Baptist, the Holy Ghost.  Father, let us yesterday to truly experience all the mysteries of thy kingdom and righteousness we must die of the flesh and accept a resurrected new life in the same form, belief, ways, power, authority, and teaching of thy Son, Jesus.  Father, please continue to send thy Spirit and power upon all people of all nations changing this world in hope of a perfect body of Christ unified before thee, thy glory, and thy kingdom which is still yet to come.  Father, thank you for all your doing, done, and will continue to do.  May we continue to worship, praise, and left up our hands, eyes, ears, and especially our heart unto you this day and forevermore.  May thy Spirit, and the love, grace, and mercy of thy Son, Jesus be what we see within each other this day and always.  Amen.

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