Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Today's Prayer, April 18, 2017

Father, we pray unto thee asking for healing, not only physical, but more importantly spiritual.  Please help the people of this nation as well as all nations come to understand that it doesn’t matter what our physical needs, wants, and desires are as long as our spiritual needs are being fed and met through thy word, meditation, prayer, praise, blessings, and sharing of thy love, grace, and mercy with everyone everywhere no matter whom they may presently be in the world.  Father, keep us humble before thee and one another always.  Help us to see the world through thy eyes rather than the eyes of our flesh.  Help us to hear that which is righteous and from thee rather than from those of the world living unto its standards. Let not our hearts be troubled with the problems and frustration that this world and society brings before us daily, but rather help us to be transformed unto the Super Natural being and power that only comes through our own personal faith, trust, and belief in thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, bless those who bless others without expectation, and send relief upon those who have a true need and would be without any hope without it.  Father, give us this day that which we need rather than that which we desire of the flesh.  Help us to stay focused on thy will, thy ways, thy wisdom, thy truth, thy kingdom, thy glory, thy everything…  To you Father, may we continue to give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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