Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Today's Prayer, April 19, 2017

Father, let us pray giving thanks for all thy has done, doing, and will continue to do as long as you allow this world to continue to existence.  Father, forgive us for our sins for they are many, some without knowledge we are committing them, because of our own rejection and ignorance to thy perfect will, wisdom, and ways.  Father, help us to open our hearts, souls, and minds to all that is righteous before thee, of thee, and cometh from thee.  Help us to understand that it is your will and desire we should be seeking constantly without ceasing.  Father, we pray that you fix our land, the people of this nation, and all people throughout the world bringing us all unto thy presence through our own eagerness and desire to bow down and humble ourselves before thee, thy Son, and thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.    Father, let us understand that righteousness is those things received, giving, and done in accordance to thy perfect will under the submission and authority of thy Spirit.  Father, may we continue to seek thee in all our ways this day and forever, and may we fail not to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  May the peace, love, and grace of Christ our Lord and Savior be within us all, Amen.

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