Sunday, April 30, 2017

Today's Prayer, Sunday, April 30, 2017

Lord God, may we all start this day offering all praise and worship unto thee.  Father, fill our heart, soul, and mind with the perfect will of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we enter into thy presence within all houses of worship offering ourselves up unto you fully so that we might become stronger in our love and relationship with thee.  Father, bless those who need a blessing, healing those who need healing, and convict those who needs conviction so that they too may come to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all our ways this day and forever, and may thy Spirit and the same love, mercy, and grace of thy Son be what we continue to share with others every day of the rest of our lives.  Amen. 

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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Today's Prayer, Saturday, April 29, 2017

Father, may we pray always seeking thy perfect will, wisdom, and ways through thy Spirit and word.  Let us understand that our ways are not your ways nor are our thoughts your thoughts.  Father, may we understand that we’re not here to judge or question your decisions and will, but rather to humble ourselves before thee and one another in everything we say and do.  Father, help us to maintain flavor within our salt.  Help us keep the light of the salvation of thy Son, Jesus upon our candlesticks and raised high for all to see and witness.  Let us not boast about who we are in thy Spirit, but rather share the same unconditional love, mercy, and grace that can only come from thy Spirit with everyone around us and that we may have contact with.  Father, strengthen us in the boldness of our faith, trust, and belief giving us the same power and authority as thy gave thy Son, Jesus when he was raised up out of the river Jordon after being baptized by thy servant, John the Baptist, the Holy Ghost.  Father, let us yesterday to truly experience all the mysteries of thy kingdom and righteousness we must die of the flesh and accept a resurrected new life in the same form, belief, ways, power, authority, and teaching of thy Son, Jesus.  Father, please continue to send thy Spirit and power upon all people of all nations changing this world in hope of a perfect body of Christ unified before thee, thy glory, and thy kingdom which is still yet to come.  Father, thank you for all your doing, done, and will continue to do.  May we continue to worship, praise, and left up our hands, eyes, ears, and especially our heart unto you this day and forevermore.  May thy Spirit, and the love, grace, and mercy of thy Son, Jesus be what we see within each other this day and always.  Amen.

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Friday, April 28, 2017

Today's Prayer, Friday, April 28, 2017

Father, please continue to help this ministry as well as all ministries to continue to grow in thy perfect will, wisdom, and ways sharing thy word and the gospel of thy Son, Jesus with the love, grace, and mercy of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost within us.  Father, help us to continue to resist and fight the enemy pertain to our unbelief in hope that we continue to seek all thy promises and gifts of thy Spirit.  Father, may we humble ourselves always before your majesty, kingdom, and glory seeking all that is righteous before thee and asking thy Spirit to help us apply it to our individual lives.  Please forgive us and help us to forgive others with the same unconditional love.  Father, may we fail not to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore in everything we do or say, and may the love of Christ be that which others receive from us this day and always.  Amen.

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Thursday, April 27, 2017

Today's Prayer, April 27, 2017

Lord God, we pray this day humbling ourselves before thee asking that your will be done in all our lives both believers and none-believers alike.  Father, send thy servants unto all people of all nations sharing thy love, grace, and mercy through the teaching and preaching of thy word and gospel of thy Son, Jesus.  Father, help us ourselves to be the servant and temple that you called us to be.  Help us to help others to grow in thy perfect will, ways, belief, trust, and faith.  Father, may we understand that our primary mission here on earth is to love each other as you love us, unconditionally.  Father, please send healing upon those seeking healing, help unto those seeking help, and thy spirit, the Holy Ghost upon those who are seeking thy wisdom and knowledge of all things that are righteous before thee.  Father, this world and all within it needs correction, discipline, and love more than ever before. Please help rise up the leaders, teachers, preachers, prophets, apostles, and evangelist in the boldness of all thy wisdom, strength, and power needed and required to continue to serve thee in hope that the church, the body of Christ, continues to grow sharing thy love, grace, and mercy throughout all the world.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore, and may thy Spirit be the one that we follow unto victory within thy Son’s name.  Amen.

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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Today's Prayer, April 26, 2017

Father, help us in our disbelief of all things thy promise within thy Holy Scripture, Spirit, and gospel of thy Son, Jesus Christ.  Father, may we focus on the real prosperity which has no monetary value, but rather a value that cannot be measured by any form of measurement within this present world.  Father, fill our heart, soul, and mind with the same love, mercy, grace, and forgiveness that goes beyond the ability of the flesh, but not that of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we surrender our lives daily in all aspects unto the perfect will of thy Spirit.  Help us to focus on who we are and proclaim to be within thy grace calling ourselves Christians, followers of thy Son, Christ Jesus (Disciples).  Father, may we humble ourselves before you as well as each other.  Father, forgive us for who we are and help us to become that which we so badly need to be.  May we seek thy kingdom and righteousness in all our ways this day and forevermore, and give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise as we do.  May the love of thy Son, Jesus be the same love that we give others all the days of our lives.  Amen.

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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Today's Prayer, April 25, 2017

Father, May we start this prayer and day thanking you for all things in both heaven and earth.  Thanking you for all that you’ve done in each of our individual lives as well as the lives of our family, friends, and others.  Thanking you for the Spirit you’ve given us, the Holy Ghost, spirit to minister to us constantly and consistently revealing to us thy wisdom, truth, and love.  Thanking you for your grace, love, and mercy that you continue to give us even when we are not worthy.  Thanking you for the blessings you continue to pour out upon us without ceasing.  Thanking you for giving us the ability to bless others with our love, talents, prosperity, and abilities.  Father, we could go on and on, but there are no words within any language other than that of thy Spirit which could even come close to giving proper reverencing unto your majesty, might, kingdom, and glory.  Father, help us to see with thy eyes, hear with thy ears, and love with the heart of thy Son, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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Sunday, April 23, 2017

Today's Prayer, April 23, 2017

Father, may today be a day of rejoicement and praise unto thee for all that you’re doing, done, and will continue to do for the good of thy glory and kingdom which is still yet to come.  Father, help us to understand your perfect ways and will as outlined within thy Holy Scripture.  Father, use us as thy servants filling us with all thy power, wisdom, and strength through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we fail not to give all praise, thanks, glory, and honor unto thee in all our ways and may all our ways be a perfect reflection of thy Son, Our Savior, Jesus Christ.  Amen.

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Saturday, April 22, 2017

Today's Prayer, April 22, 2017

Lord God, let us pray this day seeking thy wisdom, ways, and will for all our lives.  Father, help us to see that which we need to see.  Help us to hear that which we need to hear.  Teach us all that is righteous before thee through thy word and Spirit as we read, pray, fast, and meditate in hope that we apply that which is giving unto us to our hearts, souls, and minds.  Father, may we fail not to continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all our ways this day and forevermore, and may the love of Christ be the foundation of all our thoughts and ways.  Amen.

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Friday, April 21, 2017

Today's Prayer, April 21, 2017

Father, may we humble ourselves before thee this day and evermore seeking thy wisdom, will, and ways through thy word and Spirit, applying that which we receive of thee unto our own lives.  Father, please forgive us of any and all sins we may have committed and help us to be willing and able to forgive others.  Father, bless those who truly need a blessing in their lives.  Heal those who need healing.  Deliver all who surrender unto thy power, authority, and might through their own willingness to repent seeking the salvation of thy Son, Jesus filling them with thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forever, and may the same love, grace, and mercy of thy Son be what others see and receive when where in their presence.  Amen.

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Thursday, April 20, 2017

Today's Prayer, April 20, 2017

Lord God, we pray thanking thee for thy unconditional love, grace, and mercy that is given willing unto all whom surrender themselves unto you through the salvation of thy Son, Jesus Christ.  Father, help us to be whom you’ve called us to be.  Help us to see, hear, accept, apply, and live our lives in accordance with the gospel of Christ.  Father, send thy Spirit upon us teaching and revealing all mysteries within thy Holy Scripture in hope that we choose thy righteousness by submitting ourselves unto thy prefect will, wisdom, and ways.  Father, bless those who need a blessing.  Bring conviction upon the hearts of all who need conviction.  Please be merciful unto all people of all nations as you bring us before thee unto that place where repentance is required of us in order to receive the peace, joy, and happiness that comes from the salvation of thy Son, Jesus.  Father, may we continue to put you first in every aspect of our being, giving all thanks, glory, honor, and praise unto thee without ceasing.  May the love, mercy, and grace of thy Son, Christ be the foundation of who we are this day and forevermore.  Amen.

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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Today's Prayer, April 19, 2017

Father, let us pray giving thanks for all thy has done, doing, and will continue to do as long as you allow this world to continue to existence.  Father, forgive us for our sins for they are many, some without knowledge we are committing them, because of our own rejection and ignorance to thy perfect will, wisdom, and ways.  Father, help us to open our hearts, souls, and minds to all that is righteous before thee, of thee, and cometh from thee.  Help us to understand that it is your will and desire we should be seeking constantly without ceasing.  Father, we pray that you fix our land, the people of this nation, and all people throughout the world bringing us all unto thy presence through our own eagerness and desire to bow down and humble ourselves before thee, thy Son, and thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.    Father, let us understand that righteousness is those things received, giving, and done in accordance to thy perfect will under the submission and authority of thy Spirit.  Father, may we continue to seek thee in all our ways this day and forever, and may we fail not to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  May the peace, love, and grace of Christ our Lord and Savior be within us all, Amen.

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Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Today's Prayer, April 18, 2017

Father, we pray unto thee asking for healing, not only physical, but more importantly spiritual.  Please help the people of this nation as well as all nations come to understand that it doesn’t matter what our physical needs, wants, and desires are as long as our spiritual needs are being fed and met through thy word, meditation, prayer, praise, blessings, and sharing of thy love, grace, and mercy with everyone everywhere no matter whom they may presently be in the world.  Father, keep us humble before thee and one another always.  Help us to see the world through thy eyes rather than the eyes of our flesh.  Help us to hear that which is righteous and from thee rather than from those of the world living unto its standards. Let not our hearts be troubled with the problems and frustration that this world and society brings before us daily, but rather help us to be transformed unto the Super Natural being and power that only comes through our own personal faith, trust, and belief in thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, bless those who bless others without expectation, and send relief upon those who have a true need and would be without any hope without it.  Father, give us this day that which we need rather than that which we desire of the flesh.  Help us to stay focused on thy will, thy ways, thy wisdom, thy truth, thy kingdom, thy glory, thy everything…  To you Father, may we continue to give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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