Father, we
come before you this day seeking your perfect wisdom and ways through thy
Spirit, the Holy Ghost. Father, give us
that which you will to help us sustain and rebuke the evil and wickedness that
surrounds us within this world. Father,
may we acknowledge and understand that even though we are in this world we must
not adhere and abide to its will and ways through the submission of our own
flesh. Father, cleans us from all things
that are sinful unto thee and fill us to the fullest with the righteousness of
your wisdom, will, and ways. Father, may
we stand firmly on the rock of salvation, thy son, Jesus Christ. Having continuous faith, belief, and trust in
the promises he spoke of and taught within the gospel of thy holy word, the
Bible. Father, may your will be that
which we pray for always and accept when given unto us by thy Spirit no matter
the situation or circumstances. Father,
may we continue to bless others with a portion of that which you’ve blessed us
with. Help us to be a witness and living
testimony in all we do and say. Send thy
Spirit upon us to guide and direct our paths unto thy righteousness this day
and always. Father, may we continue to
give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all our ways this day and
forevermore. In Jesus’ name we
pray. Amen.
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