Friday, November 25, 2016

Today's Prayer, Friday, November 25, 2016

Father God, we pray unto thee giving thanks for all thy mercy, love, and grace that you continue to pour out upon all people of all nations in hope that all people repent and be redeemed through the salvation of thy son, Jesus Christ.  Father, continue to guide our paths unto thy righteousness as we seek thy will and ways reading thy word and surrendering unto thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we always humble ourselves before thee as well as each other in hope that all we say and do edify you, thy Son and thy Spirit.  Father, help us to be a witness unto others always.  Help us and give us the words to speak when spoken too and the patience to listen when listening is the best thing to do.  Father, send help and relief upon all those who don’t have the physical means or ability to help themselves or their children.  Father, may we always give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise unto you in all things this day and forever.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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