Father, we
pray for the leaders of this nation, as well as for all nations, that they
might humble themselves before you and one another. Father, help them to understand that it’s not
their ways, will, and thoughts that are righteous, but rather the ways, will,
and thoughts that come from thee through thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost. Father, we pray for the loss of the world
that still adheres and abides to the will and ways of the flesh. Help them to acknowledge that thy salvation
which thy son, Jesus is willing to give can only be received by their own
repentance and submission unto the will of thy Spirit. Father, may we always seek your will and ways
through thy word and Spirit applying all that you give us to our hearts. May people everywhere see thy power, glory,
and might radiating from within us when we speak and do all things. Father, please continue to have mercy and
send grace upon all people of all nations this day and always, and may we
continue to give you, Father, all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all we do
and say this day and forevermore. In
Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.