Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Today's Prayer, Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Father, we come before you this day seeking your perfect wisdom and ways through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, give us that which you will to help us sustain and rebuke the evil and wickedness that surrounds us within this world.  Father, may we acknowledge and understand that even though we are in this world we must not adhere and abide to its will and ways through the submission of our own flesh.  Father, cleans us from all things that are sinful unto thee and fill us to the fullest with the righteousness of your wisdom, will, and ways.  Father, may we stand firmly on the rock of salvation, thy son, Jesus Christ.  Having continuous faith, belief, and trust in the promises he spoke of and taught within the gospel of thy holy word, the Bible.  Father, may your will be that which we pray for always and accept when given unto us by thy Spirit no matter the situation or circumstances.  Father, may we continue to bless others with a portion of that which you’ve blessed us with.  Help us to be a witness and living testimony in all we do and say.  Send thy Spirit upon us to guide and direct our paths unto thy righteousness this day and always.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all our ways this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Today's Prayer, Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Father God, please hear our prayer this day as we desperately seek thy will and ways through thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, continue to show us the things we need to see and provide us with all that we need to continue to minister and witness to those around us.  Father, may we walk upright unto thy perfect will and ways as we go forth this day ministering and witnessing to others whom you bring before us.  Father, may something we say or do speak to them in such a way they too repent of who they are and surrender unto thy calling.  Father, help us to understanding all that is righteous before thee hoping that these are the things we do and say within all circumstances, situations, and conversations.  Father, send relief unto them who desperately need it and conviction upon all who are fallen short of the understanding of thy wisdom, will, and ways.  Father, may we humble ourselves before you and one another constantly helping one another in accordance to your perfect will.  Father, please continue to send thy unconditional love, grace, and mercy upon all people of all nations.  And Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Sunday, November 27, 2016

Today's Prayer, Sunday, November 27, 2016

Father, we humble ourselves within your presence this day seeking thy perfect will and ways for each of our lives.  Father, please send thy comforter, the Holy Ghost upon us to guide and direct our paths unto thy righteousness in all we do and say.  Father, may we continue to bless others as you have blessed us greatly.  Father, fill our hearts with the same unconditional love, grace, and mercy that can only come from you through our own submission unto thy Spirit.  Father, help us to understand your ways and will apply all that thy Spirit gives and teaches us to our everyday lives and ways.  Father, may we have charity within us for all people of all nations giving where the need is so greatly needed.  Father, direct us in all that we do and say this day and always through thy Spirit.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Saturday, November 26, 2016

Today's Prayer, Saturday, November 26, 2016

Father God, let us pray this day asking for continuous forgiveness of all that we fail to be when professing sanctification through the blood and salvation of thy son, Jesus and thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.   Father, please continue to send your love, grace, and mercy upon us all in hope that we continue to seek thy perfect ways and will for all our lives, applying them to all we do and say.  Father, let us bring to remembrance that thy son, Jesus is the way, truth, and life for all seeking to one day receive our place in thy Heavenly Kingdom.  May we continuously focus on all that is righteous before thee when doing, speaking, and listening unto each other.  Father, may we bless others with a portion of all that you have blessed us with.  May something we do or say minister and witness to others this day in hope that they too may come to walking closer with thee, thy son, and thy Spirit.  Father, let us fail not to help others who are in true need and have no other means of survival.  Father, may we always give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in everything we do and say this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Friday, November 25, 2016

Today's Prayer, Friday, November 25, 2016

Father God, we pray unto thee giving thanks for all thy mercy, love, and grace that you continue to pour out upon all people of all nations in hope that all people repent and be redeemed through the salvation of thy son, Jesus Christ.  Father, continue to guide our paths unto thy righteousness as we seek thy will and ways reading thy word and surrendering unto thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we always humble ourselves before thee as well as each other in hope that all we say and do edify you, thy Son and thy Spirit.  Father, help us to be a witness unto others always.  Help us and give us the words to speak when spoken too and the patience to listen when listening is the best thing to do.  Father, send help and relief upon all those who don’t have the physical means or ability to help themselves or their children.  Father, may we always give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise unto you in all things this day and forever.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Today's Prayer, Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Father God, we pray this day giving thanks for all that you have done, doing, and will continue to do if you should allow tomorrow to come once again.  Father, please forgive us for who we are and help us to become the person we’ve been called to be.  Father, let us understand that our ways and thoughts are not your ways and thoughts.  Let us acknowledge and seek your will and ways in all we do and saying surrendering unto thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we bless others as you have blessed us.  Help us to be a witness and testimony for the good of thy gospel and heavenly kingdom.  Father, send relief upon those who are in true need of relief within their person life, their family, or another love one.  Father, please continue to pour out your love, grace, and mercy upon all people of all nations in hope that we all become united unto the body of thy son, Jesus abiding and adhering to the perfect will and ways of thy Spirit.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forever.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Today's Prayer, Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Father God, we pray this day asking that you continue to deliver us from the evil and wickedness of this corrupt nation and world.  Father, help us to continue to grow in thy perfect will and ways as we read thy word and seek thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, help us to recognize that which is righteous before thee applying what thy Spirit gives us to our everyday situations, circumstances, and life.  Father, may we give remembrance and thanks unto you for all things in both earth and heaven.  Father, help us to be a better witness and testimony unto the gospel of thy son, Jesus in hope that something we may do or say this very day may help change the life of someone around us hoping that they too come to that place of repentance and acceptance of thy salvation through Jesus.  Father, may we continue to bless others with all we have, expecting nothing in return.  Father, send mercy, love, and grace upon all people of all nations.  Help all those who are in positions of authority and earthly power humble themselves before thee seeking thy wisdom and ways apply all that thy Spirit gives them unto the running of the offices which they currently hold.  Father, may we acknowledge and understand your will and ways in everything we do and say this day and always.  Let us continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all things this day and forever.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Monday, November 21, 2016

Today's Prayer, Monday, November 21, 2016

Father God, we pray to thee asking that you purify our heart, soul, and mind with thy unconditional love, grace, and mercy that comes from thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, give us the strength and courage we need to sustain the evil of this wicked perverse world which we presently live.  Father, may we seek your wisdom and understanding in hope that we become the person that we proclaim to be in the name of thy son, Jesus.  Father, may our lights shine in the darkness of all that Satan brings before us hoping that our witness and faith may promote and lead others to repentance and the salvation of thy son, Jesus.  May we stand firmly upon the rock of salvation, Jesus Christ.  Trusting, believing, and receiving all good things you give unto us through unmovable faith and continuous desire to seek thy ways, will, and righteousness from within thy word and from thy Spirit applying it to our lives.  Father, help us to be a blessing unto others who have a true need of a blessing.  Father, continue to use us as thy servants in all conversation, circumstances, and situations helping us to abide and adhere to thy Holiness in everything we say and do.  Father, let us not hinder thy will or ways in anything we may do or say this day and always.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Today's Prayer, Sunday, November 20, 2016

Father God, we come before you this day praying that you will continue to send thy love, grace, and mercy upon all people of all nations.  Father, help us to acknowledge and submit ourselves unto your perfect will and ways through the direction, power, and authority of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we humble ourselves before you and one another always in hope that all we do and say is righteous before thee.  Father, help us to be a witness and testimony unto all that continue to allow this world to control and dominate who they are in hope that they too surrender through their own repentance unto the salvation of thy son, Jesus and thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we be a blessing this day to others in everything we do and say.  Help us Father to know when to speak and when to listen.  Give us thy patience, wisdom, and understanding this day and always.  Father, help those in need and can’t do for themselves, and send conviction upon those who can yet are want.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all things this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Today's Prayer, Saturday, November 19, 2016

Father, we pray unto thee this day asking that you continue to pour out your wisdom and understanding upon us through thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we seek your will and ways in everything we do and say this day and always.  Father, help us to grow stronger in our faith, trust, and belief of all thy power, glory, and might.  Father, may we walk among the evil of this perverse world spreading the love and gospel of thy son, Jesus Christ with everyone we meet.  Father, may we be a blessing unto others always in that which we do and say.  May we have the same compassion and show forgiveness in all our ways.  Father, send help to those who truly need help, and conviction upon all who are loss or continue to fall short of thy glory.  Father, may we continue to give all thanks, glory, honor, and praise unto you this day and forever.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Friday, November 18, 2016

Today's Prayer, Friday, November 18, 2016

Lord God, as we pray this day unto you, let us bring remembrance to thy son, Jesus and the sacrifice he made for all humanity on the cross at Calvary.  Father, let us acknowledge and understand that it is only by our own repentance, acceptance of thy son’s salvation, and surrendering unto the will and ways of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost that we will ever become righteous before thee and enter into thy heavenly kingdom.  Father, let us pray that we are all found worthy as we stand before thy son on that day of judgement.  Father, may we humble ourselves before you and one another this day and always in hope that we are a better witness and walking testimony for the good of thy gospel.  Father, fill us with your patience, wisdom, understand, will, ways, grace, love, mercy, and whatever else you have that your willing to pour out upon us through thy Spirit in hope that we continue to edify you, your majesty, and glory in all our ways.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forever.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Today's Prayer, Thursday, November 17, 2016

Father God, we pray this day asking that thy continued grace, mercy, and love be poured out upon all people of all nations.  Father, please have compassion on our nation, as well as other nations, in hope that all take the opportunity to repent of who we are and become whom you’ve called us to be sanctified in one body through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, help us to be a blessing always unto others when share all things that thee has giving us.  Father, may we understand that a tenth of all we have is not enough to obtain a place in thy Heavenly Kingdom, but rather a pure heart full of charity willing to help all people everywhere is the labors that we need to be producing.  Father, may we seek your ways and will through thy word and Spirit without ceasing.  Applying that which you give us to everything we do and say.  Father, have mercy upon all that give mercy, send blessings upon those who bless others without expectations, and give us the unconditional ability to love everyone everywhere as we share the gospel of thy son, Jesus.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Today's Prayer, Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Father, we pray for the leaders of this nation, as well as for all nations, that they might humble themselves before you and one another.  Father, help them to understand that it’s not their ways, will, and thoughts that are righteous, but rather the ways, will, and thoughts that come from thee through thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, we pray for the loss of the world that still adheres and abides to the will and ways of the flesh.  Help them to acknowledge that thy salvation which thy son, Jesus is willing to give can only be received by their own repentance and submission unto the will of thy Spirit.  Father, may we always seek your will and ways through thy word and Spirit applying all that you give us to our hearts.  May people everywhere see thy power, glory, and might radiating from within us when we speak and do all things.  Father, please continue to have mercy and send grace upon all people of all nations this day and always, and may we continue to give you, Father, all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all we do and say this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Today's Prayer, Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Father God, today we pray asking that you examine each of our hearts for any and all impurities.  Please take the hatred, envy, lust, and desires of the flesh away from us filling us with all that is righteous before thee through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, forgive us for all sins and transgressions we’ve committed against thee and others around us.  Replace all the joy, happiness, and peace that the enemy has stolen from us with your grace, unconditional love, mercy, and forgiveness.  Father, may we humble ourselves before you always seeking thy perfect will for our lives.  Help us to understand thy word, the Bible as we read it and learn from it.  Continue to write your will and ways on the tablets of our hearts as we seek thee.  Father, help us to be a blessing always unto one another.  Help us to sit aside the self-righteousness of our flesh and replace it with the righteousness of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, send healing and peace upon all people of all nations in hope that everyone repents of who we are and become what thy son, Jesus spoke and taught us to be.  Father, send help where help is needed, and conviction where conviction is needed.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Today's Prayer, Sunday, November 13, 2016

Father, today as we enter into thy place of worship and praise, may we humble ourselves before you and others receiving all that you are willing to feed us and give us through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, give us the strength, courage, and wisdom to rise up and endure the evil that comes against us daily.  Help us to grow in thy perfect wisdom, ways, and will through our own submission unto thy Spirit.  Father, may we bless others around us this day and always in hope that something we do or say may help them to grow stronger in their walk and talk with thee.  Father, let us not forget that you’re still in control of all things and we have no reason to fear anything other than thee that has the power to give eternal life in thy Heavenly Kingdom or cast us into the river of fire.  Father, may we present ourselves unto you as empty vessels ready to be filled to the fullest with all that is righteous before thee.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forever.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Saturday, November 12, 2016

Today's Prayer, Saturday, November 12, 2016

Father God, please hear our prayer.  Father, we seek thy power, strength, and might this day, asking that you continue to fill us with thy wisdom, will, and ways through the anointing of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we one day very soon stand united before you not as many denominations, but rather one body with one head being thy son, Jesus.  Father, help us to return onto thy path of righteousness which we know to be straight and narrow.  Father, may we open our hearts to all that thy Spirit is willing to fill them with which is righteous before you.  Father, may you continue to send thy unconditional love, grace, and mercy upon all people of all nations.  May we become thy servants in accordance to the will and ways of thy holy scripture.  Father, may we start this day to walk in the true power, belief, faith, and truth of thy Supernatural knowing that all things are possible for those who stand firmly on the rock of thy salvation, Jesus.  Father, may we be a blessing unto all we meet this day and always hoping that something we do or say may minister to those still lost in the world being of this world.  Father, guide our paths and ways as we submit ourselves unto thy perfect will allowing thy Spirit to take control and be the forerunner in our lives.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and always.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Friday, November 11, 2016

Today's Prayer, Friday, November 11, 2016

Father God, may we continue to fall upon our faces kneeling before thee asking that thy mercy, love, and grace be poured out upon all people of all nations in hope that everyone might become righteous before thee through the salvation of thy son, Jesus and their own submission to thy will and ways through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, we are a rebellious nation and people.  Please forgive us for what we’ve allowed ourselves to become and send whatever it takes of thy wrath to bring us back unto thy righteousness in all our ways.  Father, may we become humble before you and each other just as Jesus was.  Father, give us the words that we need to speak when spoken too.  Give us the compassion that only comes from you through thy ways and Spirit.  Father, give us the strength, courage, and power to rebuke evil when it enters into our presence trying to rob us of all that thy have giving us of thy Spirit.  Father, may we grow stronger as part of thy son’s body which we were called to be.  May others see thy Spirit within our witness and testimony so that they too might come to repent and except the salvation of Jesus.  Father, send deliverance unto all who truly seek and ask for it, healing upon those who truly desire and believe, and comfort unto all that are weary and seem to be losing focus on the price of eternal life which is still yet to be given to all who stand righteous before thee and sanctified in one body, one Spirit, and one Savior.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in everything we do and say this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Thursday, November 10, 2016

Today's Prayer, Thursday, November 10, 2016

Father, we thank you this day for your continued love, grace, and mercy which you give all people of all nations.  Father, help us this day to continue to grow in thy ways and will through our own submission unto thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, we need to acknowledge and understand that it is thy Spirit within us that brings perfection before thee.  May we always humble ourselves before thee seeking thy ways and wisdom through thy scripture, the Holy Bible.  Father, feel us with your joy, peace, and happiness that suppresses all depression, illnesses, hatred, prejudice, and all other things that hinders our ability to live a life in purity.  Father, may we continue to bless others with some of which you’ve blessed us with.  Let our walk and talk be a witness and testimony unto others of what life in the Spirit is all about.  Father, send healing where healing is needed, conviction where conviction is needed, and mercy where mercy is needed, may we trust you and maintain our faith evening during the storms which come upon us.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all our ways this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Today's Prayer, Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Father, let us surrender the faith of this nation and all nations unto thee.  Trusting that your will be done no matter who holds the title of the office which they have been elected.  Father, we thank you for all those who have earned their positions through their own submission unto thee and thy ways, and we pray for those who have been put into office by mere reason of who and what we’ve allowed our nation to become.  Father, please show mercy upon us all as you’re wrath comes upon the wicked of this perverse world.  Father God, for all who knows you’re in control, we surrender unto your will, grace, love, mercy, and ways this day and always.  Father, continue to send us the messages and teachings of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Help us to share the love of thy son, Jesus with everyone everywhere.  Father, may we all open our eyes and start seeing things the way thy word preaches and teaches recognizing the signs thy son, Jesus spoke and taught.  Father, may you continue to pour out thy Spirit upon all people of all nations in hope that everyone repents and accepts the salvation of thy son, Jesus.  Father, may we acknowledge and understand our ways are not your ways, and our thoughts are not your thoughts.  Help us to become totally submissive to thy ways and will through thy Spirit in every aspect of our lives.  Father, help us to be a blessing unto those who are in true need of a blessing and a witness unto those seeking your wisdom, ways, and will for their personal life.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Today's Prayer, Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Father God, we call upon thy holy name in the name of Jesus asking that you touch and heal those this day that are seeking thy healing, mercy, and grace.  Father, abide with us through thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost teaching us all that is righteous before thee.  Father, give us the strength to endure the evil which dwells around us and the power and thy wisdom to rebuke it when it arises.  Father, let us fail not to worship and praise your holiness in everything we do and say giving thanks unto thee always.  Father, may we be a blessing this day to those in need of a blessing and a witness unto those in need of witnessing.  Father, help us to continue to humble ourselves before thee and one another.  Let the words we speak this day unto others be uplifting, compassionate, and inspirational to all that hear them.  Father, please continue to have compassion sending thy love, grace, and mercy upon all people of all nations in hope that everyone seeks and receives the salvation of thy son, Jesus.  Father, may we continue to give thanks, glory, honor, and praise unto you this day and forevermore.  In thy son’s precious name we pray.  Amen.

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Monday, November 7, 2016

Today's Prayer, Monday, November 7, 2016

Father God, let us start this prayer today by just saying thanks unto you for all that you’ve done, doing, and will continue to do until the end of time.  Father, please continue to forgive us for who we are and help us to grow in thy perfect way and will through the anointing of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, fill us with thy power, strength, word, wisdom and understanding of all that is righteous before thee.  Helping us to acknowledge that which you give us isn’t ours to keep, but rather to share with others.  Father, we pray that you continue to have compassion upon all people of all nations.  Hoping, that we all one day stand within the presence of thy son, Jesus being found righteous and receiving thy promise of eternal life in thy Heavenly Kingdom. Father, save all who repent and seek the salvation of thy son, Jesus being born again unto the righteous of all thy Spirit is willing to teach and give.  Father, may we continue to seek your ways and will in our everyday lives as we walk among the heathens who are still loss within this world allowing them to be influenced by its evil wicked ways.  Father, send help where help is truly needed and conviction as well.  Let us not boast about who we are, but rather about all that you are and him that you sent to die for the sins of this world on the cross at Calvary, Jesus.  Father, may we be a blessing always unto others that you bring into our lives and presence, and may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all things this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Sunday, November 6, 2016

Today's Prayer, Sunday, November 6, 2016

Father, we pray this day giving all thanks, glory, honor, and praise unto you.  Father, fill our heart, soul, and mind with thy perfect will and ways, through the direction, power, and authority of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, help us to be a witnesses unto others surrendering ourselves unto the righteousness of thy Spirit.  Father, may you continue to have compassion on all people of all nations pouring out thy unconditional love, grace, and mercy upon us all in hope that everyone rises up seeking the salvation of thy son, Jesus, and the ways of thy Spirit.  Father, may we continue to be a blessing unto others for the good of thy gospel and thy Kingdom, testifying of all things that are perfect before thee.  Father, please send help and relief upon those who have a true need and seek thy will for their individual lives, and send conviction upon all that continue to fall short of thy perfect will and glory.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all our ways this day and forevermore.  In Jesus name we pray.  Amen.

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Saturday, November 5, 2016

Today's Prayer, Saturday, November 5, 2016

Father God, please purge our hearts, souls, and minds this day removing those thoughts and ways that continue to hinder our ability to walk in thy righteousness, strength, wisdom, and power under the anointing of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we acknowledge that all the ways and wisdom of the flesh is but foolishness unto you, your ways, your thoughts, your power, your will, your might, and on and on….  Father, we pray that we always humble ourselves before you seeking thy ways and will unto the righteousness of all thy glory.  Father, help us to understand thy perfect will and ways as we read thy words within thy Holy Scripture, the Bible.  Father, may we continuously be in fellowship with thee through thy Spirit without ceasing in prayer, fasting, and meditation.  Father, may you continue to use us that empty ourselves unto you as a servant and vessel.  Fill us with everything we need to say and do all that is righteous before you when witnessing and testifying before others.  Father, forgive us when we fall short of thy glory.  Help us to continue to walk along the narrow path that ultimately leads to everlasting life within thy presence in thy Heavenly Kingdom.  Father, please continue to have compassion upon all people of all nations.  May thy love, grace, and mercy be sufficient for all who proclaim the righteousness of all thy promises through the salvation and redemption of thy son, Jesus.  Father, may we continue to bless others in all our ways this day and forevermore, and may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all things this day and forever.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Friday, November 4, 2016

Today's Prayer, Friday, November 4, 2016

Father, we pray this day asking that you continue to fill us to the fullest with thy wisdom and ways through the direction, power, and authority of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, may we rise up to rebuke the things within our lives and world that is bringing destruction upon us not only as a people, but as a nation as well.  Father, continue to send thy love, grace, and mercy upon all people of all nations in hope that we all bow down before thee and submit ourselves unto repentance and the salvation of thy son, Jesus.  Father, may we continue to grow in your knowledge, wisdom, and understanding being totally submissive unto thy Spirit in all our ways.  Father, may we continue to humble ourselves before you and one another being a blessing always unto those in need and seeking the salvation of thy son.  Father, help us to be the witness you want us to be rather than the witness we might be in hope that all we say and do unto others is a reflection of your perfect ways and will.  Father, please continue to forgive us when we fail to maintain thy righteousness and fall short of thy glory.  Father, may each of our lives have more meaning and purpose for those you bring into our presence rather than of our own.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all our ways this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Thursday, November 3, 2016

Today's Prayer, Thursday, November 3, 2016

Father God, please send thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost upon us all lifting us up this day and always unto thy righteousness.  Father, please forgive us for all our sins and transgressions against thee.  Father, continue to give us the strength, wisdom, and courage so that the light of thy son, Jesus shine within us always.  Help us to be a witness and testimony for the good of thy word and gospel in hope that we are one day judged and found worthy of the promise of eternal life in thy Heavenly Kingdom.  Father, may we humble ourselves before you serving one another as thy Spirit has served us.  May we say and doing those things which are righteous before thee in hope that others within our presence may see and also step into the light of thy salvation through thy son, Jesus.  Father, please continue to have compassion on the loss of this world maintaining hope that they too may surrender very soon unto the will of thy word and Spirit.  Father, may we seek thy ways and will each and every day through thy Holy Scripture, the Bible allowing the Holy Ghost to teach us and lead us unto the ways of your righteousness, grace, love, mercy, power, strength, courage, and everything else that comes with obedience unto thy perfect will and ways.  Father, let us fail not to continue to love one another as you have unconditional continued to love us and may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all we do and say this day and forevermore.  In Jesus name we pray.  Amen.

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Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Today's Prayer, Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Father, give us thy strength, wisdom, and courage of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost this day and always to bring us into thy perfect will and ways with a boldness that only comes from our individual faith, trust, and belief of all thy word and Spirit teaches.  Father, help us to stand firmly on the rock of thy salvation, Jesus Christ sharing thy gospel as it is written and meant to be shared in its entirety with the loss of this world.  Father, may conviction come upon all who continue to live in this world conforming to its ways, belief, trust, and values in hope that they too may repent and accept the salvation of thy son, Jesus Christ.  Father, help us to acknowledge and recognize evil when it enters into our presence, and give us the power and authority to rebuke it without second thoughts or haste.  Father, may we submit ourselves unto thee as the temple that we should be humbling ourselves before you and each other.  Father, help us to realize that the salvation of one loss soul is worth the lives of many that stand firmly within thy presence being faithful and righteous.  May we continue to deny ourselves and pick up our cross that we proclaim willing to bare in hope of helping in the building of thy Heavenly Kingdom which is still yet to come (Revelation 21:1-27, KJV).  Father, forgive us when we stumble and hear us when we pray and seek all thy ways.  Send that which we need to continue to do thy perfect will in all our ways this day and forever.  May we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Today's Prayer, Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Father God, we pray this day asking that you continue to send thy prophets among all nations and all people prophesying of all that is still yet to come of thy scripture which has not yet been fulfilled.  Father, help people to understand what thy son, Jesus spoke and taught within thy holy word, the Bible when he spoke about a new heaven and the old being passed away.  Let us hear thy voice through thy word and Spirit, the Holy Ghost and start seeking thy perfect will and wisdom for each of our lives as we attempt to walk straight upon the narrow road which has been put before the righteous.  Father, may we surrender ourselves unto thy will and ways through the direction, power, and authority that comes with the anointing of thy Spirit giving us the words and wisdom to help minister and witness to those within the world whom are still loss.  Father, help us to bless others in all that we say and do.  Send healing upon those seeking it in true faith, trust, and belief of all thy word and Spirit promises.  Father, let us fail not to humble ourselves before you, your majesty, and all your glory this day and always.  May we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all our ways this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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