Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Today's Prayer, Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Father, let us surrender the faith of this nation and all nations unto thee.  Trusting that your will be done no matter who holds the title of the office which they have been elected.  Father, we thank you for all those who have earned their positions through their own submission unto thee and thy ways, and we pray for those who have been put into office by mere reason of who and what we’ve allowed our nation to become.  Father, please show mercy upon us all as you’re wrath comes upon the wicked of this perverse world.  Father God, for all who knows you’re in control, we surrender unto your will, grace, love, mercy, and ways this day and always.  Father, continue to send us the messages and teachings of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Help us to share the love of thy son, Jesus with everyone everywhere.  Father, may we all open our eyes and start seeing things the way thy word preaches and teaches recognizing the signs thy son, Jesus spoke and taught.  Father, may you continue to pour out thy Spirit upon all people of all nations in hope that everyone repents and accepts the salvation of thy son, Jesus.  Father, may we acknowledge and understand our ways are not your ways, and our thoughts are not your thoughts.  Help us to become totally submissive to thy ways and will through thy Spirit in every aspect of our lives.  Father, help us to be a blessing unto those who are in true need of a blessing and a witness unto those seeking your wisdom, ways, and will for their personal life.  Father, may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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