Monday, November 7, 2016

Today's Prayer, Monday, November 7, 2016

Father God, let us start this prayer today by just saying thanks unto you for all that you’ve done, doing, and will continue to do until the end of time.  Father, please continue to forgive us for who we are and help us to grow in thy perfect way and will through the anointing of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, fill us with thy power, strength, word, wisdom and understanding of all that is righteous before thee.  Helping us to acknowledge that which you give us isn’t ours to keep, but rather to share with others.  Father, we pray that you continue to have compassion upon all people of all nations.  Hoping, that we all one day stand within the presence of thy son, Jesus being found righteous and receiving thy promise of eternal life in thy Heavenly Kingdom. Father, save all who repent and seek the salvation of thy son, Jesus being born again unto the righteous of all thy Spirit is willing to teach and give.  Father, may we continue to seek your ways and will in our everyday lives as we walk among the heathens who are still loss within this world allowing them to be influenced by its evil wicked ways.  Father, send help where help is truly needed and conviction as well.  Let us not boast about who we are, but rather about all that you are and him that you sent to die for the sins of this world on the cross at Calvary, Jesus.  Father, may we be a blessing always unto others that you bring into our lives and presence, and may we continue to give you all thanks, glory, honor, and praise in all things this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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