Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Today's Prayer, August 30, 2016

Father God, we offer praise unto thy Holy Name this day and always.  Father, please fill us with the will and desires of thy Spirit, the Holy Ghost.  Father, give us the strength, endurance, courage, and whatever else we may need to sustain this day.  Father, we know that we can’t be righteous without your presence being with us and guiding us continuously in all our ways through thy Spirit.  Father, may we always give you the reverence you deserve and humble ourselves before you and each other daily.  Father, forgive us for who we are and our own selfishness, and help us to understand the truth and wisdom of thy word, the Holy Bible.  Father, as we seek thy wisdom and understanding teach us that which is good for our hearts, souls, and minds and give us the ability, will, and desire to share that which thy Spirit reveals with others.  Father, help us be a blessing to every one you bring before us today standing upright in thy perfect will doing and saying that which is righteous before thee.  Father, please continue to have mercy and send grace upon all people of all nations this day and always.  Please send help and relief unto those who are less fortunate and have a true need of compassion, charity, and love and bless all who reach out helping these people.  Father, may we always continue to give you all the thanks, glory, honor, and praise in everything we do and say this day and forevermore.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

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